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(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.


12 replies [Last post]
Kumar I
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Ernesto Puyana
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I don`t see myself in contradiction with other opinions stated. Perhaps there’s a confussion of terms.

The baseline is the original program, which generates target start and finish dates for each activity, milestone and for the project as a whole. Those must not change unless the contract scope changes.

The on-going program is the cpm model that tracks job performance, so you can compare what`s going on with what was originally planned. That model must change along with the course things take at the site. Remaining durations might change to reflect actual production rates, and logic must change when things take a course different from planned. That doesn`t change the baseline, but the current work program.
Baseline shall change every time when scope changes were approved (contract changes in particular) by project Client (Sponsor, Top management, depends on the project nature).
shaju methil
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target program can be modified provided it is in consultation and approval of the client/consultant which indicates the reality of the current progress.

Kumar I
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Your answer to my question is that the target program logic can be modified while updating which contradicts with the other members answers?,what is the consensus on this issue
Ernesto Puyana
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The baseline should only change as a result of contractual changes. The logic of the on-going program on the other hand, SHOULD change every update, in order to reflect as acurately as posible what’s happening with the job, so it can be compared with the original plan (baseline).

That`s the only way that schedule moitoring and control can help job managers know which way they are cgoing with what they are doing.
Sen Moc
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Rolyn, you are correct.

It a MUST and MANDATORY that logic of the Baseline Program should not be modified or changed.

Rolyn Jalea
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For claim purposes, I think it is not advisable. changing your baseline logic will loose the credibility of your baseline programme.
Sen Moc
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For additional info, refer to Changing the logic when project is underway THREAD in “Project Management Issues Discussion” Forum.

Emre Bayrak
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Hello Kumar

Take my previous post comments (first sentence) for modifying the current schedule please.


Emre Bayrak
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Also it is a good practice to report and update your client or engineer about these modifications periodically.

But the scale of those modifications is also important; sometimes a modification you have done in your current program may totally create a main logic difference with your target schedule.

After these modifications if you still may get useful data while comparing with your target no problem, but after many modifications you are far away from your target mentality and comparing doesn’t provide any useful data, then you need maybe a revised target program.(that it is explained how it is possible to make it in previous post)

Christian Adrian ...
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Hello Kumar,

IMHO one reason why you shouldn’t modify your logic links in your current file is that you might lose a good chance of using your it for claims purpose... it might lose its credibility unless you have an instruction(just what like Sen said).. and if current schedule (due to progress update) is not projecting the complete critical tasks due to the current issues your project is experiencing...


Sen Moc
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Yes, it is “possible” to modify the Target Program or Baseline.

However, you should not be make any modification to Target Program or Baseline unless there is an official instruction from the client or Project Manager. Even so, if there’s instruction such as this, it is better to keep the Original Baseline for future reference.

In practice, we modify only the Current Program to reflect the actual progress and incorporating corrective action to forecast activities in order to meet the target program as much as possible.
