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How to calculate project Man hours and split weekly

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viky varan
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Dear all, Please help me if any one can,I calculated man hour as below described Please correct if I am wrong,I used to calculate on thumb rule, For example if the project cost 100.I considered 15% as Company over head,so 100-15=85 aed In which 85 is total cost of labor and material. In that 85,I take 30% that means 25 is my total labor cost then I divide 25 by one hour labor cost, so I get my total man hours, to split weekly I take % of activity on weekly basis and I split the man hours, please Tell me is this wrong or right. Or please suggest me a way to calculate man hours Please Thanks


Zoltan Palffy
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Somehow you or someone in your organization has come up with a total costs for a project. In doing so they have to know the manhours that were estimated to do the project. You need to ge the breakdown from them and then work form there. Also there are standard rates of installtion and standard mahours do perform typcial task ie. installation of 2 inch conduit is X number of  manhours per 100 ft. now you have your base manhours and all you need to know is the quantity of conduit. Then you need know how many men you want to use on this activity and it wil determine your duration to install this.