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Activity finished time

22 replies [Last post]
Shazia khan
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Dear Sirs

I have a Assign a 5d cal ( 9 am to 6 PM) activity finshed date showing 12 Nov.2 PM due to this sucss. Activiry Staring on same day .

I want start Sucss.Acty. next day.

Other activity with same cal finished time is 6 PM

Please advise where i am doing mistake


you wrote that PM for slab concreting is too hot.
That is why I suggested to use activity calendar that excludes hot hours.
Delaying possible activity start you cannot guarantee that activity will be schauled on "cold" hours. The delay may be caused by resource competition.
Best Regards,
Shazia khan
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Dear Sirs

I have resolved the problem.

as Mr. Rodel Advise while changing Cal the Change the OD

I fixed the problem i had change the cal and OD both,

Now activity Finshed time is 6 PM and Succ. Acticity Starting next day.

Why it was happend i added a new activity my default cal was 6d/week new added activity belong to 5d cal,

thats why finshed time was 2 Pm insted of 6 PM

while i change cal and hit F9 the result was same then i change OD again hit F9 the problem was fix.

Thanks Mr,Rodel waht you had suspect it was true.

Thanks for all.
Rodel Marasigan
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Thanks for the info. Another useful technique learned. P6 don’t have that functions and P6 users should be aware on the workaround that I sampled on its limitations if in case they encounter same scenario.

Best Regards,
Rafael Davila
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The start of my activities are not being controlled by activity calendar alone; I am using a lag calendar to control start of some of my activities. For example activity 5 starts at 1pm because lag calendar drives it to start at this time, nothing prevents the activity to be continued next day at 8am as it has an 8 hors/day calendar starting at 8am.

lag controls

If I increase activity 3 duration as for it to finish after 1pm then successor will start next day at 1pm and continue following day at 8am.

Activity 3

Best regards,
Shazia khan
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Dear Sir

Thanks for your reply.

Could you please advise me what is the root cause ?

why only one activity having different finshed time

due to this activity total duration showing 362.8 Days.

I have remove decimal to make it round digit.

Thanks & regards
I stronly recommend to use resource levelling instead of manual schedule adjustment that shall be repeated each time when anything changes.
Best Regards,
Shazia khan
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Dear Sirs

Activity Start next day , activity have FS relation,
and i want start to next due to resource is not aval.

Dear Mr. Rodel

Thanks for your advise i have checked cal time Per.

cal TP is 8/d 40 /week 176/Month 264/year

while i have check cal. to fix cal Column in WBS band showing 6d cal but i am sure i have not assign it.

Thanks & Best Regards

Thanks & Best Regards
Rafael Davila
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The following is the detail for calendas setup I used in my sample job.

LC Weeks


Of course, my solution is for a the particular need the next activity must start next day early am no matter at what time predecessor finished. How do you model this in P6?

Best Regards,
rude change of the finish date does not solve the problem if the problem exists. There may be different activity duration than durations of other activities that finish on 6:00PM, but maybe everything is OK but for some reasons the next activity shall start on the next day (for an example the process cannot be interrupted).
I think that Shazia shall explain what is her real problem.

the solution depends on the problem nature. If the process cannot be interrupted (like concreting) then it is continious activity type.

Best Regards,
Rodel Marasigan
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Vladimir, I believed I explained it correctly and suggested to check the settings that maybe the cause of error why the activity start on the same day. If she can find the culprit then she can understand why it’s happening. Note: Shazia quoted: I want start Sucss.Acty. next day. Other activity with same cal finished time is 6 PM “Please advise where i am doing mistake” Best Regards, Rodel
Rafael Davila
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Lag Calendars

Use of Lag Calendars can solve the issue as shown above.

Best Regards,
I think that you did not understand the question.
Activity finishes at 2:00PM but successor shall start on the next day.
You suggested to enter wrong information about planned or actual activity duration and do it manually. With schedule changes you will again and again adjust wrong duration of this activity. I don’t think that it is the best decision.
And I don’t understand why next activity shall start on the next day. Let’s ask Shazia why it is required.

Best Regards,
Rodel Marasigan
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Change 2:00PM to 6:00PM so successor will start on the next day. Also check Hours per time period if follows the calendar settings. It might be the reason why it end to 2:00PM instead of 6:00PM
do you know how to model this situation in P6?

Preceding activity finishes on 17:00, the work day ends on 18:00, next activity cannot be interrupted (concreting as an example) and lasts 2 hours. So the start of this activity shall be delayed to the next day.

Best Regards,
Rodel Marasigan
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Mostly the cause of decimal is from changing of Hours Per Time Period (i.e. 10h/d to 8h/d) to match the calendar setting but the duration entered first before adjusting the settings. Another is from changing calendar with different working hours (i.e. 8hr vs. 10h). Another cause is by dragging the bar but time is not visible so it falls half day instead of whole day.

For WBS band or summary band it used the Global Default calendar which might be 6day calendar.

Best Regards,
Usually such things are caused by different activity calendar.
Also check if all activities are of the same Task Dependent type.
In the good schedule activities shall be much shorter.
Best Regards,
No, both activities have the same calendar - shall be done during the same work day.
I suggested an example - concreting that may be done during the work day but without interruptions.
Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Vladimir,
I’m not sure if I get you correctly. Do you mean by use of lag or by use of calendar?

You are already aware that if both activities having different calendar of course the succeeding activity will start on the next day.
Ex: Act1 = 9hr with cal 8:00-18:00 10hr
Act2 = 2hr with cal 8:00-10:00 2hr

Using this setup Act2 will start next day.

Best Regards,
Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Vladimir,
The only way I can think of is using different Activity Type.
Ex: Act1 10hr - Task Dependent - Cal 9:00 to 18:00 =10hr
R1 = 9hr cal 9:00 - 18:00
Act2 10hr - Resource Dependent - Cal 9:00 to 18:00 = 10hr
R2 = 2hr cal 9:00 - 17:00

On this setup Act2 will start next day if Act1 finished at 17:00hr but will start same day if finish at 15:00hr but will not work on 16:00hr.

Can you explain to me how to model this scenario and maybe I can think of equivalent in P6?

Best Regards,
Hi Rodel,
in your example an activity will start today if preceding activities will finish on 16:59 and last 1 minute before the break (at 17:00 its special work day is over).

in Spider it is easy - one of activity types is Continious. Activity of this type will be delayed to the next day automatically if it does not finish today.

Best Regards,
Rafael Davila
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Concreting am-pm

What if the predecessor finishes at 11:00am the activity still has time to finish on the same day but you require it to start next day early am like in the example above? PM for slab concreting is too hot, preferably start pouring slabs am, even if pour takes less than half day.

Also prefer to pour walls at pm to have crane available am.

Best regards,
your example is about activity calendar (for example 8 - 12 each work day.
Crane is one of resources and its usage is planned in the schedule.
Best regards,