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Office Building UAE - How Long?

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Andrew James
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I am preparing an outline programme for a high profile office building in UAE and need some help with the overall construction period.
Its early days but I am assuming:
75,000m2 nett lettable
4 basement levels
19 floors above ground
Concrete cores
Steel frame
Complex glass cladding
Maybe some of you guys are working on something similar and could advise on the shell and core construction period.
Many thanks.


deys nassah
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Mob/site setup - 4 to 6 weeks
Excavate/Dewater - 8 to 10 weeks
Piling - 12 weeks
Sub structure - 16 to 20 weeks ( starts 4 weeks after piling starts )
Superstructure - 38 weeks
Finishes inc MEP - ( should finish 24 weeks after superstructure )
Testing / Commissioning 4 weeks after Finish/MEP

So i think about 24 to 25 months should do it for building to be ready for handover.

Sherif Fam
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I would like to point your attention to certain factors affecting the construction in UAE:

- The project location/city. The soil differs from a city to another, directly affecting the excavation, the dewatering and the shoring system. Excavation in itself can take upto 3 months in some areas, to reach 15-16m, which I presume will be the lift pit depth from the Ground Level. Is there demolition of existing building? The type of foundation (most probably raft in your case, but some Consultants tend to implement piles, despite not required).

- Handing over to authorities (7 departments, some of them such as Civil Defence, inspects more than once); will take around 30-45 days.

- Contractors commonly work 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, and you have Holy Ramadan month, where the working hours are reduced to 6 hours a day, and you have approximatly 10-12 days official holidays.

- It is common here to make protection, and start the curtain wall while still in the middle of the skeleton.

- The construction in Abu Dhabi is booming, and generally it is difficult to find prompt subcontractors nowdays, as most of them are engaged.

- Now, from presonal view; 3,200m2/floor will definitly takes more than 10 calendar days/floor. I would suggest 18 days for the first 3-4 floors, then 15 days for the remaining ones; will be a workable duration. Furthermore, you mentioned steel frame, which is not common here, and will need special subcontractor. You mentioned high profile; which will take extra time for finishing.



Inchang Song
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Hi Andrew,

I am writing estimated duration base on my experience.

1. Mob: 0.5 month
2. Excavation & Retention System : 2-3 month
(core area digging is critical)
4. Core Wall Form Set-up : 0.5 month
Typical Core Structure :5-8 Days
5. Basement Structure : 3 month
6. Floor Structure : 19 floors * 10 days = 190 days
-> 8 month (3 level behind to core)
7. 1st fix & 2nd fix :100 days @each level 10days lag
6-8 month After completion of structure
8. Final inspection & Cleaning : 1 month

Mob 0.5 + Excavation 3 + Core & Floor Structure 12
+ Finishes 7-9 month after completion of structure

My guessing is 22.5 ~ 24.5 month.

I hope helpful.


Francis Moyalan, ...
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hi andrew,
u said 75 k sqm that the plinth area?

i hope it must be total built up area of all the floors...

then individual area of a flo0r will be around 3200 sqm...

for shell and core- shell and core i mean all- mep containments-1st and 2nd fix items, block work, plaster.....

structure will take 11-12 months....internal finishes can be started from typical level after removing the back props from the respective level

bloc work will complete 2- 3 months after structural works...plaster will take 2 months from block work....ceiling closure (including all electrical - plumbing- hvac and fire fighting works over the ceiling ) takes 1 month from plastering completion(this works should start when access to bloc work is given).....

so all together it takes

mobilisation - 30 days

sub structure- raft - 45 days (dewatering, excavation , pile breaking,pile head treatment, water proofing....)

1. structure 12 months

2. block work - 2- 3 months
3. plaster - 2 months
4. mep - 1 month

So all together...excluding tiling, painiting,sanitary wares, will take 22 months to complete additionally structural steel will take 1 month xtra , xternal envelope will go parallely with alltogether ur program shall not take more than 23 months...
