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Level Of Effort Activities

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Catherine Barthelemy
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When creating a baseline programme, using LOE is quite helpful (project mgt , site supervision etc), however when progressing the plan, the logic always comes in the way, ie: if you have a SS and FF from a LOE to a normal Activity which should have started but not yet started, the LOE retains the SS/FF logic and does not allow you to claim against it. Is th
Is there an easy way to handle that rather than changing the logic, do you people recommend using LOEs in a live plan, or do you stay well clear like I used to (but I am getting forced down that road!!).And what settings do you use(Duration type etc)? Looking forward to your answers........


LOE activities never delay anything.
And thus they shall never be considered in delay analysis.
But they shall be considered in calculation of cost and resource requirements.
Do you suggest some project on the moon?

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People got lost in this thread because they don’t know ALV as applied in in Forensic Schedule Analysis.

that is why I’m a proponent of AACEI compared to SCL.

AACEI emphasis ALV.

Having grasp the importance of ALV in forensic Schedule Analysis will remove typical problems encounter by wanabee Forensic Schedule Analysis for the simple reason that delay analysis start with ALV.

It never mention that delays analysis will use LOE because it is dangerous. And beside no arbitrator or judge will ever consider LOE in delay analysis.

To make the story short: LOE has no meaning in delay analysis, so tell the project manager to go to the moon, "mako na M, dua ka OO, Ndayon".

Happy Planning and Scheduling.
Dieter Wambach
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In my opinion: Yes.

In general it will be fixed units/time. E.g. the time a project is ongoing, the secretary has to work two hours/day.

In your case it seems a different type of task with its own duration --> no LoE.


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Remove the LOE in your analysis.

It is just a lump of activities.

What matters is the delay of an activities.

This will remove your headache.

The basic premise here is can a PM claim due to delay of LOE. Yes or no. My answer is no.

How about you?? meaning other members of PP

Happy Planning and Scheduling
Catherine Barthelemy
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Hi Dieter!

My problem is that I inherited a plan which has resourced LOEs linked to activities which do not necessarily start when they should. Therefore when the PM wants to claim some money against the particular LOE,and the plan is scheduled to the next month, the LOE follows the logic and therefore the SS (in this instance) has to be removed and another driving activity has to be chosen.
Is it advisable to resource Level of effort activities?
Dieter Wambach
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Catherine, Omar

I don’t really understand your issue.


LoE has no own duration so its not driving critical path. Unfortunately if you look for the longest path, they are displayed as well. So you’ll have to filter them out.
There is a SS relationship from the driving activities TO the LoE and a FF relationship FROM LoE to the driving activities. After the first driving activity was started LoE automatically gets started as well, after the last successor activity was finished the LoE gets finished as well - both after F9/schedule of course.
They are ideal for overhead activities (pm, cost assignments, secretary, ...) which don’t drive the plan but are driven by it.


LoE covers the features of "good old" hammock in P3. Or was it just a remark of the style "When I was young, even the snow was more white than today"?

Omar Grant
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Hi Catherine - I too miss the good old Hammock which P3 had and which was quite flexible in its usage. Currently I avoid LOE activities in P6 because I don’t quite understand/trust their behaviour. I also look forward to any answers you may get.


we use LOE activities when necessary (when there are activities that last from one evnt to another).
We have no problems with them but we use different software, so our settings will not help.