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10 replies [Last post]
Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 17 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
Dear all,
As you know, WBS is very importnat for PM.
In the fact this item very sense for success PM.
Are there standard of WBS for any type of projects?
In the military standard issuse some this standard.
Can you help me for finding another resource & etc about this item?


Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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We use the concept of multiple WBS used in the same projects. In the previous posting Requirement Breakdown Structure was mentioned. We usually create at least Deliverables WBS, Process WBS, Responsibility WBS. Other types of WBS are specific to the projects concerned.
Guy Hindley
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The key thing for me with WBS dictionaries is a section for Deliverables. What are the deliverables that piece of the wbs delivers? All the primary requirements of wbs dictionaries have been covered by earlier postings in this stream. No section should exist on the wbs unless it delivers something to the project.

These deliverables can then be linked back to the Customer Requirements to ensure that the wbs captures all deliverables that are required. This enables, in more complex projects, a mapping to be created between the requirements breakdown structure (another RBS!) and the deliverables identified in the WBS.
Joanne Foster
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Data Dictionaries should include the following

Cost Account WBS Code
Cost Account Title
Responsible Cost Account Manager
Date & Issue Number
Summary of the Cost Account (written paragraph)
Cross references to Statment of Work (Scope of Work)eg clause no
Cross references and deliverables (eg CDRL’s).

Work Package Number
Work Package Title
Whether the work packages is Recurring or Non-Recurring
Paragraph which describes what the work package covers.

I try to ensure that within the detailed description of the dictionary that the Cost Account Managers include the following
- inclusions (what’s included in the work package scope)
- exclusions (what is excluded work package from the scope, this might also detail any assumptions which have been made)
- inputs (what is required to complete the work package including and customer furnished equipment, deliverables etc)
- outputs (what define the work package as complete eg Deliver Document X)
- Earned Value Technique and if they choose % Complete then how they plan on earning the value

Forum Guest
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The Data dictionary is easy, you just need to include following:
WBS Code, Short Description, Detail Description explaining exactly what wbs item covers. Usually in ascending numerical order.
Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 17 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
Dear all,
Thank’s for your good points.
Are you ready for creat a data dictinary for WBS?
Andrew Taylor
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I work across a broad spectrum of industry and clients and find WBS Structures are as individual as each and every project, it is rare to find circumstances where a standard can be adopted. The Project makeup, Client and company you work for all effect the final makeup of the WBS.
There is no substitute for a solid understanding of WBS, stop looking for standards and brush up on your understanding, the need for standards won,t be important anymore.
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I agree. Every industry has its own practice and culture. Grouping/classification of activities, in most circumstance, base on the practice.
Classification may be same as those adopted in related regulation, code of practice, standard.

I experience one of WBS establishment in a country for whole industry. Based on the section grouping in design guide and control, the WBS is adopted by the industry and everyone familiar with it.
Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 17 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
Dear sir,
Thank’s your help.
This book has a general scope for WBS but I want guide manual for specific projects such as IC , IT and etc

Best regards
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The book "Project Management Institute Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures" be reference. for details