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Nishikant Choudhary
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Hello Experts ,

I am confronted with a situation wherein i have to add double shifting to my activities .

I.e. 2 Shifts X 10 hrs /Day .

How can i modify the calendar to reflect this?

My planning unit is Day .

This will obviuosly reflect on the productivity.

Can you please advise!



Tomas Rivera
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If you want to do it the right way and you are using P3, you should change your planning units to hours instead of days. Then you go to Calendar to configure you shifts.

Tomas Rivera
Altek System
Scheduling of high performance
construction projects
Bernard Ertl
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You should post questions like this one in the forum (category) specific to the software you are using. If you are not using P3, P3e or MS-P you should indicate what system you are using in your post to get detailed advice.

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems Inc. - Project Management Software, Project Planning Software
Nestor Principe
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You just simply go to calendar, add a calendar and change the working hours according to your requirement then assign the calendar to the activity.

The other option is, if only few activities are involved, I normally just make a duplicate of each activity and classify it as second shift activity and link it to the original activity with finish to finish relationship. This will give you some flexiblity to assign a different production rate or budget for the 2nd shift activities. You can also filter the second shift activities. Depending on how you planned the production rates for the second shift activities, the duration of the original activities (now the first shift) must be revised accordingly. This approach maybe very primitive, I find it easy to handle.

