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Average S-Curve

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Zq qz
User offline. Last seen 13 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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Is there any sofware that can create Average S-Curve (this is between Early and Late Dates curve" directly. Because some client is using this curve as a basis. What Im doing is extract this from primavera then plot it in excel. Primavera dont have this option. AM I CORRECT?


Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 23 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
You are right, all the softwares created S-Curve for two case. but your request is not be used in Pm.
Nicholas Sero
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I simply use tabular resource tabular report. This will output FULL RANGE cimulative and per period data with the distribution from early start to late finish

I export this to Excel for graphical presentation
Zq qz
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Thank you guys, I think P3 dont have this option to generate the average curve directly. So the best way to do is do it in excel. by exportting data from p3. Going to ff menu. Tools - Tabular report - add - select resource - timescale , go to schedule 3 drop down menu then select average. then save with file extensiion ????. Hope this will help
Forum Guest
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bell shabe curve is called s curve but this will impact that particular activity only not the total project. it is good to apply in larger activities ( like erection of steels 100s of tons or pouring concrete 1000s of cub.meter) since it is a big activity we are loading the activity gradually more and peak in the middle and gradually reducing.

but, what you need, i understand that s curve for the project. it is not suppose to create. when you load the resources to the activities properly in man hours or mandays, you will get the s curve almost all the projects in construction. it means the project would be started increasing works gradually and peak in the middle time and reducing gradually. when you do it properly you will come to know. as far as i did in my projects i got all s curve. note it it cannot be created. depends upon your programing skill u will get when you check in grapical repory. tools, graphics report, resource and cost, u must mark curve both histogram and cumulative.
Lutfullah Atasoy
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You are correct! You may select resource usage profiles for each activity such as front-loaded, or normal distributed,..etc but primavera (as far as I know) does not take into account an average S-Curve. Also there is no sense doing that.
Instead ,you may utilize exel to create an average S-Curve and compare your outcomes with it.

The formula is:


Where : p is 3,141516
x : elapsed time percentage
y : cumulative project progress
T : Max. Cumulative Progress
a : Curve climbing parameter.

But frankly speaking all these mathematical formulas are created by the people never been at site...!!

