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Inviting members to design Projects using P3.

5 replies [Last post]
Ali Hamouda
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Hi members,

Now is the time to become more Practical and effective members.

Why not inviting members to do some real scheduling and Planning work, for example by making Auction for who will accept to make a Program of a project by this much cost.

Just an Idea for discussion,,may be it will work.




Tomas Rivera
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To all:

Just one comment on my experience developing and maintaining schedules with most of the communication trough e-mail. This comment pertains to the client side characteristics of this relationship.
The best results projects have experienced, have come from teams where the owner/project manager has had better procedures and tools. I am talking about planning, organizing, executing and controlling procedures and tools.
For example, if we had a well defined project scope (drawings, specifications, WBS, budget, etc); if we had a well defined project contract agreement with proper supplementary conditions; if we had a good project organization chart, responsability matrix, communication protocols and tools; if we had good documentation and contract control procedures and tools, especially a good change management system; LIFE WOULD BE A LOT EASIER. Especially, it would require less personal communications to define, clarify, complement, change and update project information.
This desirable scenario would then become something that would be required to specify by the owner/project manager, in order to be able to evaluate the ability to have a relationship of the kind being considered.

thank you very much

Tomas Rivera
Ali Vessali
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Dear all;

The concept sounds great, but like any other online Eng. Services, we should have an official office center with real address and known people who are responsible for all contract obligations and specially quality of services. Otherwise, how the clients can trust to such unknown online services?
As you all know, to prepare and finalize a project schedule, we need to have lots of project documents including drawings and contract issues. Furthermore, we need to discuss and negotiate with project managements and executive team continuously, to define the real durations and proper links and logic in the schedule. Who can trust to send his important documents to such online organization?
I think we can expect to do such online services, but we have a long way before start. What we need to do in advance are:
1- Official Organization
2- Define qualify members list to do such services (Organization should define a procedure for test and verify the interested members)
3- Define the scope of services and methodology
4- Define General and Particular Conditions of Contract
5- Prepare a very secure online filing system for project documents. These data should be available just by authorized person.
6- Define Clients/ Members Protocols
7- Marketing and .....

So, I suggest you all think in depth and send your comments and ideas to finalize this system. The Development Team is the best responsible to gather all thoughts and give us the better direction.

All the best;
Ali Vessali
Bernard Ertl
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Are you referring to something like, but offering/requesting project planning/scheduling/management services instead?
Forum Guest
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Hi there,

Sounds like an interesting concept. Anyone got any other thoughts on this?
Tara Muddappa
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Sounds great, especially for freelancers.Well the protocol has to come from the development team.

Ali, do you mean if a client needs a baseline programme for a given project, one has to prepare and submit for a fixed cost.

I feel this idea of yours is very practical but it takes a while to start.