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Remaining Finish Date cannot be earlier than Remaining Start Date

4 replies [Last post]
Rodney Jones
User offline. Last seen 37 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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Hi Everyone,


I have an activity (as shown in the screen shot below) which will not allow me to reset the Remaining Duration or Atr Complete Duration or force an Expected Finish Date because of the message 'Remain Finish Date cannot be earlier than Remain Start Date'.

I am guessing this is talking about the Late Finish Date or maybe the Planned Finish Date? either way, the reduced duration that I want to enter is not accepted, the Expected Finish Date that I want is Correct, so how do I clear the fields that are generating this message? I have removed all predecessors and successors, rescheduled, refresshed but still can not get past this limitation.




Rodney Jones
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Thanks everyone.

Rafael Davila
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The following might be of help as there are a couple other reasons this might happen.

Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Rod,

Just in case it happened to you again next time, just show the time because it is the always the culprit. By defaul P6 always use 12:00AM which is earlier than your calendar working hours and causing this error. It happened only when your activity was already started or tick the Started status.

Rodney Jones
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Ha! Got it, it was a Resource problem! Removed the Resource and I was allowed to reset the date, hmmm, maybe I could have just reset the Labour Units?


Anyway, Removed then reassigned the resource. Thanks for helping me work this out, as soon as I posted my original question, I thought, Oohhh, Hang on,.....