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Remain Finish Date vs Remain Start Date.

2 replies [Last post]
Jean Desjardins
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Hi everyone,

I am using Primavera PM6 to manage the coming workload of our team.

We have about 95 projects in progress with 4 to 9 activities in each project.

My problem occurs when I open many projects at the same time, the remaining units of some tasks are offset later in timescale and when I try to change the finish date, I get this message :

"Remain Finish Date cannot be earlier than Remain Start Date."

If anybody experienced the same problem, I would appreciate your help.

Thank you

Jean D


Ravi Katare
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Insert two columns

1. Early Remaining Start & 2. Early Remaining Finish.

For any Inprogress activity, ensure that Early Remaining Start < Early Remaining Finish. If not do it manually by selecting the customize date.

PS: dont forget to move data date after applying the actuals, its cause such kinda problem.


- Ravi

M Carey
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I also get this error when I have only one project open. In addition, I get another error that referes to the Remaining Start and Remaining Finish: Remaining Start cannot be Null; Remaining Finish cannot be Null.