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P6 Project Notebook creation date?

4 replies [Last post]
Rodney Jones
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Hello All,

I am using the Project level Notebook feature to record Monthly Progress Statements which are then exported in a csv file for use in other reporting systems.


My challenge is:

  • How can the Notebook entry "creation date" be found in the backend workings of the Oracle database and included in the export?

This month I will want all the newly created entries, next month all the newly created entries for that timeperiod and so on, month by month I want to capture the latest dated Notebook entry per category.


Without having to manually type the date in the Comments text window.






Steven Auld
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No problem.
Rodney Jones
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Hi Steven,


Brilliant, I'll pass your comments over to our DB administrator, thank you so much for that information.





Steven Auld
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Santosh has identified the correct table in the database for the Project Notebooks.

One thing I thought worth mentioning is that these notebooks are not separate data entries in the database for each update. 

Notebooks are stored as an HTML file that is updated each time the Notebook is updated, so checking against the update_date field would identify which notebook has been updated, but when you extract the information it will be a single text block in HTML format, so the other reporting format would need to be able to get the data from this HTML File.

To get a new instance per update period, you would need to create a new Notebook Topic for each reporting period then update that to get individual period update data. This would likely not help what you are trying to achieve, as it would be harder to identify the corrent memo type to export each month.

The "DISCUSSION" table does store information in text format with a timestamp & the name of the user that made the comment, however there does not appear to be a way to delete these comments from within the Primavera application itself & would have to be deleted at the database level if you wanted to remove them. Unfortunately this field is at the activity level & not available for Project level.



Santosh Bhat
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Hi Rodney, Assuming you're tapping directly into the database tables? I'm no expert in this,  but I did look inot the P6 database schema, and there is a table called "WBSMEMO" that conaints the EPS/PROJECT/WBS level notebook topics. The columns within this table are:

PKwbs_memo_idintegerUnique ID 
FKproj_idintegerFK to PROJECT table - identifies the project 
FKwbs_idintegerFK to PROJWBS table - identifies the WBS 
FKmemo_type_idintegerFK to MEMOTYPE table - identifies the notebook topic 
 wbs_memoblobNotebook contents stored as text string 
 update_datedateRefresh audit field of last date updated. Trigger maintained. 
 update_userstring(255)Refresh audit field of last user updated. Trigger maintained. 
 create_datedateRefresh audit field for date record created. Trigger maintained. 
 create_userstring(255)Refresh audit field for user that created the record. Trigger maintained. 
 delete_session_idintegerDeleted by session id. Client maintained. 
 delete_datedateDeleted date. Client maintained.

So if you can read the update_date and create_date fields, you should be able to achieve what you're looking for.