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Summarise milestones date

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User offline. Last seen 2 years 6 days ago. Offline
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Good morning colleagues, I have some challenge which I haven't witnessed before... I added milestone summary in my WBS to enable users glance through the first page and understand the schedule but I just observed it wasnt effecting the date as supposed. Example, I have summarised project approval as a finished milestone linked it to the last activity under project approval but the date remains the project start happened to all. Pls kindly advise me how to resolve this.


Steven Auld
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Agree with Zoltan, if it’s a WBS Summary you have added it does not need to be linked, but it does not seem that it is what you have added.

Is the summary you have added a Finish Milestone or Level of Effort as a summary.

If it is a Finish Milestone, make sure that this is the successor to the last activity.

If it is a Level of Effort used as a summary, then the start should be linked with the start of the first activity & the end linked with the last activity Finish to Finish.


Zoltan Palffy
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you dont have to link it it automatically summarizes the wbs that it is assoicated with it will span from the earliest start date of an actviity in that wbs to the latest finish date of the last activity in that wbs group. It is correct