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Milestone dates are changing

2 replies [Last post]
Yusuke Kamui
User offline. Last seen 15 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi, I’m using P6 and my question is, how come everytime I schedule my project those tasks whose Activity types are either "Start Milestone" or "Finish Milestone", the dates will change as per the data date I run the schedule?

How to fix it without using any constraint? Is constrint the only way to fix those milestone dates?



Shahzad Ahmad
User offline. Last seen 15 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 96
Hi Yusuke

Could you please explain in detail.
you are working on Base line Schedule or Milestones project start date are changing while updated sch.

Base line shecdule you can fix MS by relation.

Check your Project Caleander start date etc.

Dieter Wambach
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I don’t really understand your question. Milestones - exept project start - depend on other activities. If there is a delay, the milestone will be shifted accordingly.
Maybe that’s the reason: You have activities which were planned to start before the data date. Those will be shifted to the data date because there can’t be any (scheduled) start earlier than data date - and your milestones accordingly. All dates earlier than data date must have the status "actual".

Constraints should be avoided and restricted to contractual dates - for my opinion.

Just a guess. Was this related to your problem?
