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2 rescourses one budget on an activity

13 replies [Last post]
Erik-Marius Riise
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Is it possible to have 2 resourses spending hours from the same budget on an activity?

The case is like this:

  • Activity 1 have a budget of 100 hours
    • Resource department 1(own manning) have capacity of 30 hours.
    • Resource department 1 (hired manning)  will be working out the rest of the 70 hours

The capacity of resource 1 (own manning) is not conistent as own manning also is divided on several projects.


Is there a possibility where these 2 different resources spend hours from one common activity budget?


Manning restriction can be modelled as any other. Shutdown projects require resource constrained schedule optimization, skill scheduling, simulation of work in several shifts, variable resource assignments and many other features absent in P6. It is a pity that you are not able to select right tool.

Best Regards,


Steven Auld
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Vladimir, Unfortunately I am not able to choose, as most of the Oil & Gas companies seem to use Primavera. Does Spider Project allow for integration with Maintenance Management Systems (either SAP or Maximo)? To be honest, I have not teallly spent too much time testing the resource levelling function in Primavera as with Oil & Gas platform shutdowns, there are so many different restrictions that can impact the plan. Being honest, I think I am a bit of a control freak! I know for refinery shutdowns there seems to be more reliance on levelling, but the manning restrictions for offshore oil platforms tend to require a slightly different approach (in my opinion). Regards, Steven


manual leveling is time consuming and rarely produces optimal schedule.

Try Spider Project that has much better resource leveling capabilities, it may save time and money for your projects and your personal efforts too.

Steven Auld
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That's what I thought in regard to the Resource Levelling.

I don't use Roles & use the role name as the resource with changing availability (not a named Resource).

As the Resource Levelling cannot alter the tasks to fit potential gaps, I don't use that either.


David Kelly
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Roles are a nice Primavera feature, but you cannot level against a "role". Effectivrly "roles" are "Skills" and a resource could have many "roles"

P6 has no way of levelling against Roles, nor any way of comparing  the required roles for an activity, with the roles available,   and allocating an appropriate resource automatically.

Unlike P3, P6 cannot "stretch" or "crunch" activity durations during levelling to fully utilise the available resources. For example in P3 you could require that if we had four electricians available, then activity duartions could be changed to ensure that exactly four electricians were used.

Each allocation of a resource in P6 has its own budget. If an activity had 100 hours of a "role" Electrician applied to it, that creates a resource asignment record with no actual resource assigned to it. If we chose a named electrician to do the job, then we annotate the resource asignment record with the name of that resource.  If we chose TWO named electricians to do the work, we have to create a scond resource asignment record, and divide the original budget into two. 


NO Full Time Equivalent in P6.  If a job needs 7 hours of electrician in a day, and we have 8 available, we cannot control whether the remaining one manhour is available or not. It is always available for other tasks.

Steven Auld
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Could the "Alternative Resource" issue not be worked around by using Roles instead of Resources?

Never use roles myself so not sure, but I thought that you could build the plan based on Role allocation against the task & for each actual (named) Resource assign their Primary Role (or Trade) - Does P6 not then show the availability based on the number of Resources that have that Role set as their Primary Role? (Depending on settings in User Preferences - Resource Analysis - Calculated Primary Resources Limit).

As far as I am aware resource levelling does not work based on Roles Assignment only, but shouldn't you still be able to see total trade availability against the various Job Roles.



Steven Auld
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I had assumed that only 1 hired resource, but accidentally stated the incorrect overall duration.

If the duration is assumed based on 1 Hired resource being available, then set the task Duration to 70 Hours & assign 1 hired resource - 70 Man Hours assigned to the task.

Assign the Own Resource to the activity with the same duration, but assign the Budgeted Units to 30 Hours - this will change the Budgeted Units / Time to 0.43 - Total Budgeted Man Hours against the task is now 100.

With the Activity Type is set to Fixed Duration & Units, if you were to change the Duration of the activity to 35 Hours Duration, then the Budgeted Units / Time (number of Resource Available / Required) for the hired resource will increase to 2 & the own resource to 0.86.


Just tested the following in Primavera:

Calendar - Standard 8 Hour Day

Task Duration - 70 Hours (Single Hired Resource available)

In Resource Tab in Primavera:

Hired Resource - Original Duration: 70 Hours, Budgeted Units: 70 Hours = Budgeted Units / Time: 1

Own Resource - Original Duration: 70 Hours, Budgeted Units: 30 Hours = Budgeted Units / Time: 0.43

Total Man Hours = 100

Daily Spread: 

Hired Resource = 8 Hrs / Day

Own Resource = 3.43 Hrs / Day


This is assuming that the Own Resource is spread over the task duration.

If the Resource is only available for part of the Duration, but full time on the task, then the Original Duration would then be 30 Hours, Budgeted Units: 30 Hours = Budgeted Units / Time: 1

This would then set the Own resource to work on the task for 3.75 Days @ 8 Hours Per Day.

When the Own Resource starts on the task can be edited by either having a resource lag against the Own Resource to start later on, or by using the Resource Curves.

The Resource Spread can be changed as required & still add up to the overall 100 Man Hour total.

If the Own Resource is spread over the full task duration, then the remaining hours per day will still show as available, however this would require matching with another task that also has part time availability or will show an over allocation of Man Hours for the day.

Where there may be an issue, is if using the Resource Levelling within P6 - which I have not been able to get working effectively for my circumstances, so I end up manually scheduling all my shutdown plans to get the shortest available overall durations with limited resource availability (& Multiple Calendars thrown in as well). By schedulling manually, I can also alter the Resource allocations to suit available gaps which P6 won't do.

If you are looking to do this in Primavera, I would suggest that you have the User Preferences for Time Units & Durations to show 2 decimal places & hours as the unit of time.

Hope this makes more sense!


EDIT: David,

Just saw your reply & agree that P6 cannot have alternative resource - I had assumed the same as Vladimir & both activities working on same task, but with different Man Hour split.


usually alternative means selection between several resources that have required skills. In your scenario the work starts with one resource that is later replaced by another. It looks like independent resource crews that do the work until it is finished, maybe at different time.

I understood the task as described in my post, own resources assigned part time and use remaining time on other activities that are executed in parallel, 100 hours is not duration but effort. I hope that P6 does it properly and can share resource work time between several activities.

David Kelly
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I understood the question to be about what I would call "Alternate resources"

I have a budget of 100 man hours of labour, which could be done by either of two resources.

Which resource performs the work depends on the availablility of the resource, the first resouce only has a capacity in the time frame of 30 hours. So a second resurce that can also do the work completes it.

Primavera cannot do this.


I understood that 100 hours is not activity duration but effort (man-hours) and hired resource shall work 8 hours per day and own resources 4.3 hours per day (3/7).

Will P6 use remaining 3.7 hours per day of own resources for their allocation to other activities at the same time?

Steven Auld
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If I understand the question correctly then Yes, you can allocate resources to an activity part time.

Basied on a task 100 hours in duration, if you show on the Resources Tab - Original Duration, Budgeted Units & Budgeted Units / Time.

Add both resources to the task then for each Resource (Own & Hired) check that the Original Duration = 100 Hours.

In the Budgeted Units, allocate 30 to your own resource & 70 to the hired resource (or 0.3 Budgeted Units / Time for Own Resource & 0.7 Budgeted Units / Time against Hired Resource.

This should give you the split you are looking for (2.4 & 5.6 Hours per day based on 8 Hour calendar). 

Hope this is what you mean.



I can't believe it.

Is it true that P6 cannot assign some resource part time?

David Kelly
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