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Level of Effort or WBS Summary

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Vignesh S
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I am in the process of preparing an impacted schedule. For which, I need to break single activity of my baseline schedule into multiple due to constraints experienced during execution.

Foe example. In my baseline shcedule i considered single activity called d-wall works. But, in my impacted schedule I want to split it into 2 like d-wall with utility hindrance and without utility hindrance.

The WBS has further activities like base slab and roof slab construction, so I cannot use WBS summary activity for this. Is it recommended to use Level of Effort activity for this scenario.Also, my requirement is to bring this activity in the critical path. Is it advisable to have LOE activity in Criticla path?


Zoltan Palffy
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no nice a loe spans muiliple activities I think you have this backwards you alreayd have a single activity definining it more to describe your delay will only help your case