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Level of Effort Activity Type

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Paul Harris
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A LOE activity is similar to a Hammock but the text below is from my Primavera Enterprise book and explains the difference, I hope this is of assistance:

The LOE Activity Type spans other Activities. Therefore the Start Date, Finish Date and Durations may change as the start or finish date of activities that it is dependent on change during scheduling or updating. LOE Activity Type is similar to a Hammock in P3 and SureTrak, but more relationships may control the Start and Finish Dates. There is no equivalent in Microsoft Project. This type of activity does not create a critical path irrespective of the float calculations that are displayed.

The Start Date is controlled by the following relationships:
- Finish-to-Start predecessors
- Start-to-Start predecessors (this is the only relationship that controls a hammock)
- Start-to-Finish successors
- Start-to-Start Successors

The Finish Date is controlled by the following relationships:
- Finish-to-Finish predecessors (this is the only relationship that controls a hammock)
- Start-to-Finish predecessors
- Finish-to-Start successors
- Finish-to-Finish successors

Resources assigned to a Level of Effort activity are not considered in calculations when a schedule is Leveled.

Level of Effort activities may not be assigned a Constraint.

Paul E Harris
Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd
Planning and Scheduling Book Publishers


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Thanks. I’ll do some more test, especially the combination on relationship type.
Paul Harris
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I did extensive testing when writing my Primavera Enterprise book and it worked with my system.

I have also just checked again and I can confirm a LOE may work the same as a Hammock but may also work differently depending on the relationships used.

Paul E Harris
Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd
Planning and Scheduling Book Publishers
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I cannot work out the span from the finish of activities to the start of activities for a LOE in P3e/c!! I don’t know why.
It always behave a hommack as P3
Paul Harris
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A Hammock in P3 and SureTrak will only span from the Start of one or more activities to the Finish of one or more, and therefore spans a period when work takes place.

IN PE a LOE will span from the finish of activities to the start of activities which was not possible with P3 & SureTrak. Therefore may span a period when there are not activities scheduled.

I hope this clarifies things.

Paul E Harris
Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd
Planning and Scheduling Book Publishers
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Thanks, I know this one already. According to manual "Move P3 to P3e/c", if more than one predeccessor and succesor assigned, the ES of LOE is latest ES dates and EF of LOE is earliest LF dates.

I do some tests on P3e/c v3.5, cannot work out what described in manual, the result always same as hommack, ie ES of LOE is earliest ES dates and EF of LOE is latest EF dates.

Am I miss anything any setting?