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Assign Weights to Entire Activity & WBS Summary Level

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Irfan Khan
User offline. Last seen 7 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Jul 2009
Posts: 138

hi to all,

Here i am wondering a way to assign weights to my entire activities as well as WBS level.

My schedule is loaded with Man-hours but now my Client asking to show the weight on the schedule.

I have checked in P6 & there is no any default column i found where i am able to show the weights, but i guess by the help of UDF we can show those weightages.

any reply in regard will be highly appreciated.


Thanks in advance .... :)


Dieter Wambach
User offline. Last seen 7 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 1350

Hi Irfan


I'm not sure if I understood right.

Weight in P6 is given by budgeted units (labour or non-labour), material units or costs (labour, non-labour, material, expenses) or the sum.

In the Activity Usage Profile you can easily create the s-curves. A better formatting would be in Excel or any other spreadsheet: Create a report in csv format --> read into Excel --> format the graphics --> print.

If you'll need an explicite weight independent from budget (but why?) you can use a UDF.

If you'll mark "Show Grand Totals" in Group&Sort iP6 will sum up. 

Good luck with your planning
