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Event Code: AVAAO-3660-0

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Dan Cowen
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While importing an xer file an event code was displayed (AVAAO-3660-0) and I was unable to complete the import.  When I ran the exception report the message stated that it was "Access violation at address 00B09AOE in module 'PM.exe'"  what do I need to do to be able to import this file?


Pratap Dinahar
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This error happens due to orphaned codes in the database. 

With Rubix, our new project conrtols utility, this is a one click fix. 

For more information about Rubix or a free trial, search Rubix. 

If you'd like to fix it manually, steps are below. You need direct access to the database to fix it. 

After logging in to the database's backend (method may vary depending on whether it's SQL Server or Oracle or SQLITE), execute the below query. 

truncate table obsproj;

declare @ret int, @msg varchar(1000);

exec obsproj_full_rebuild @ret OUTPUT, @msg OUTPUT

Then, execute the below query and note the IDs, 

select wbs_id from projwbs where delete_session_id is not null;

Then execute the below query.

update projwbs set delete_session_id=null, delete_date=null where wbs_id in (wbs_id values from Query 2);

Finally, execute the below query. 

update userdata set user_data = null where topic_name = ‘pm_settings’ and user_id in (select user_id from users where user_name = '');where <username> is the user’s login id for Project Management and wbs_id is the id that you got while running query 2