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Resource Distribution Doesn't Work Correctl, Any Idea?

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Firat T
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I was trying to check an activity's resource distribution from Resource Assignments tab but eventually I realised that eventhough I increased the remaining time of that activity, the distribution of resource doesn't change. It only shows exact total cost of that activity for data date month.

Before performing the increase of remaining dates, there were only 5 days left for this activity but than another assumption came up and i had to increase it for 200 days. and now even if i recalculate assignment costs, that doesn't make any change. Program thinks we will spend all the units on the data date month. 

How can I fix this problem and distribute the resources again according to remaining 200 days instead of previous assumption days which is 5 days.

Thanks in advance.


Zoltan Palffy
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check any activity types that are LOE any LOE activities with resource MUST have a resource CURVE assigned to them or they will be stacked at the first day of the data date.  

Alaa Al haj
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chek the planned dates for the activity 

resource distribution is based on planned duration 

David Kelly
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My guess is that the resource asignment record has a duration. And if it has, it overrides the activity duration. You can display the duration fields that apply to the individual resource asignment recorn n the "Resource" tab of the Activity Details lower layout by right-clicking on the existing column headings within that tab and "customise".

David Kelly
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My guess is that the resource asignment record has a duration. And if it has, it overrides the activity duration. You can display the duration fields that apply to the individual resource asignment recorn n the "Resource" tab of the Activity Details lower layout by right-clicking on the existing column headings within that tab and "customise".