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P6 Remaining Units not equal to Budgeted Units

12 replies [Last post]
Emma Lang
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I'm assigning resources to activities on my plan and as the project has not started yet I would expect the remaining units to be the same as the budgeted units. So basically if I have a 5 day duration activity and the resource will work 20 hours against that activity I change the budgeted units to 20 but the remaining units calculates to 40 hours. 

Is there an easy way to change this so budgeted units and remaining units are the same?




Ahmad Obeidat
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Zoltan Palffy
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make sure that at the projects level under the calculations tab that on the left under Activities that Link Budget and At completion for not started activities IS CHECKED

Ahmad Obeidat
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Hi Zoltan,

 i am having this issue with the not started Activities.

Ahmad Obeidat
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Hi Zoltan,

 i am having this issue with the not started Activities.

Ahmad Obeidat
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Hi Zoltan,

 i am having this issue with the not started Activities.

Ahmad Obeidat
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Hi Zoltan,

 i am having this issue with the not started Activities.

Ahmad Obeidat
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hi, Emma,

I checked that, its already marked.

in all the project they are equal except for the coming two months.




Zoltan Palffy
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they never will be you budgeted units is just that once your start to progress the schedule the remaining units wil be reduced and when the activity is done the remaining units will be 0

Emma Lang
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Hi Ahmad, 

Have you tried this:

In the Projects Window, in the Calculations tab - do you have "Link Budget and At Completion for non started Activities"  checked?


I'm sure that worked for me.

Ahmad Obeidat
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I have almost the same problem, the budgeted units for the non started activities are more than the remaining 

Link Budget and At Completion for non started Activities"  is checked

what might be wrong??

Emma Lang
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Hi David, just checked that and it worked. Thanks

David Kelly
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In the Projects Window, in the Calculations tab - do you have "Link Budget and At Completion for non started Activities"  checked?