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Splitting a task on P6

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Diane Jones
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I'm very new to P6 therefore apologies for any 'stupid' questions I might be asking over the course of time until I get up to speed.

I'm currently pulling together a programme (I work on rail projects) that consists of a lot of surveying works which range over a period of saturday nights or some days one week, then a few more days a couple of weeks later.  How do I show a task that is split over a period of time? 

Also, can I colour code the bars to show what activties are dayshift, nightshift etc?

Any advice most welcome.




Diane Jones
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Thanks...I'll have a look at this and try and sus it out and let you know how I get on :)

Raymund de Laza
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Use Bar Necking for Splitting of Bar, create a separate calendar for the specific activity.

For the Color Coding, use activity codes to specify colors for different bars.


Hope this will help.