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Total budgeted labor units does not match the same total calculated with excel

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Jean Desjardins
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Hello everybody,

I am experiencing a weird thing with Primavera P6 R8.3.

The total of budgeted labor units indicated at the top row does not match the same total calculated with excel.

I have no filter applied and no grouping, only the list of activities.

Does anyone has an idea of what causes this?

Thanks for help



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Hi Jean,

Which one is the correct total ? Is it the excel calculated total or the P6 calculated total? There are a lot of things that may had happened which ever is the wrong one. Where is the data of excel coming from? I think you will generate more questions than answers if you are not specific with the problem.


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Zoltan Palffy
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1. Filter for All activities maybe you have a filter on

2. go to edit users preference and go to the time units tab and make your decimals under the units format and duration format there could be some rounding going on ?

3. how was the excel file created was it created from scratch or it it an export from p6 ? if it is an export from p6 chekc the filter of the export.

4. was the budget labor units imported form excel into p6 " if so maybe some did not make it into p6


open the excel file and sort on column A (activity id)

open P6 then filter where budget units is not equal to (blank) (only have the activity id and budget labor unit columns showing) sort order by activity id in p6 

go to edit select all then copy the info from p6 straight into excel 

in excel select data then 

select the column from p6 with the budgeted labor units in it then select text to columns

now insert a formula to compare the two columns of the budgeted labor units to see where your differences are