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Global Change or filter based on Min and Max dates

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Rob Kane
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Hi Guys,

Hopefully there is a genius out there that is an expert with filters and or global changes, I am after a solution and can’t work out if it is possible to do in P6.

 Based on a filter (using codes to select a group of activities) I want to write a value into two date UDF Fields can I:

1. Run a global change to give the earliest and latest date in the group and write the result to all tasks in the group? or

2. Is there a mindate maxdate option in Global change or filter? Or

3. If these tasks were grouped in the activity view can a global change be written to fill down the dates that the summary level is displaying, which are essentially the min and max dates of the groups.


· I could do this pretty easily in excel but I have over a 100 projects and doing the import one at a time is not feasible.

· I could create LOE’s but as my variables are constantly changing and due to the volume also not an option.

· Summary bars are not an option eithers as I am writing the UDF’s to get all the bars I want on one line,   An option for me might be to do it using Legare but I would prefer to see if I can get it done in P6 first.  


Cheers Rob


Zoltan Palffy
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it depneds on what version of p6 that you are using. verson 8.2 you can assign colors to activity codes.

other than that you can create your own bar customized for what you want want to display 

Zoltan Palffy
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it depneds on what version of p6 that you are using. verson 8.2 you can assign colors to activity codes.

other than that you can create your own bar customized for what you want want to display 

Rob Kane
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I am trying to summarise the projects to a single line but with lots of different bars representing different parts of the projects, thi s ould be the design duration, procurement , construction etc - the issue is the requests for the information are ever changing and the bars all have to be colour coded.

I am essentially going to draw a picture in P6 using UDF Start and finishes. I have a solution that works well using legare and VBA but would prefer to get the result straight from P6 using global changes etc hence the post.

Summary bars and rollups dont cut it, LOE's do work but I am not going down that route due to the ever changing requests.

Rob Kane
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Thanks Dieter, I think you are right I hve written a bit of VBA code and am writing to UDFs and importing via legare which seems to be the best solution, but an API might be the longer term fix.




Dieter Wambach
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Hi Rob

I'm afraid there is no standard way using Global Change.

Use fill down for this number of projects will at least be boring.

Maybe the best will be to hire a good SQL programmer or someone who is able to use the API. But pay attention: the data model isn't the easiest.

Good luck!


Zoltan Palffy
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I really do not understand what you want to do

You say you want to give the earliest and latest dates in the group and write the result to all tasks in the group? 

1. It appears that these activities are already in a group

2. once you schedule the project you automatically get the earliest and latest dates for each activity.

3. if you summarize this group you can see earliest and latest dates in this group