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Resource Driven Activities vs Task Driven Activities & how it effects Original Duration

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Richard Harrell
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Can anyone tell me how P6 handles the original duration while an activity is Resource Driven vs Task Driven ?  The Activity Calander is 7x24x2 while the Resource Calander is 5x10x1.  


Richard Harrell
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Thanks Mike...

Richard Harrell
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If an Activity is Task Driven the Original Duration for that activity may be 4 as displayed in the original duration field.  Change the activity to Resource Driven and the original duration as displayed will change.  I know why it changes, but what I am trying to do is to get it to display the 4.  The client wants to see the "Activity Original Duration" not the "Resource Duration".  I have a very difficult time trying to write and explain what I am asking.  It is a big weakness.  If you can understand me, I would appreciate any help.  Thanks

Mike Testro
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Hi Richard

Normally the resource driver over rides the task.

This leads to all sorts of confusion if the two are out of sync - best keep them the same.

Best regards

Mike Testro