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Resource driven activity

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Alexandre Faulx-B...
User offline. Last seen 2 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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I am not too easy at working with these notions in P3:
- let’s say we have a independent activity with one driving resource; to update this part of a project I will
a) enter the AS date for the activity,
b) update the resource actual to date again and again until the resource finishes its work,
c) not bother about the Pct value in the Activity form not going bigger and bigger with b),
d) enter the AF date for the activity when the resource has finished working
- now the activity is a Task: when I update the resource form, the activity is updated, whatever is the setup of Autocost
Am I right?
Thanks for your advices


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You need to set the percentage complete type;
a. Duration (DEFAULT)
b. Units
c. Physical
If you are going to update a resource driven activity based upon the no. of units of the resources consumed, then you better set the % complete type as units.

Alternatively, if you are going to update % complete based upon duration, then what you can do is to set project-details-calcuation tab you can set RECALCUALTE ACTUAL UNITS AND COST WHEN DURATION %......., so that when you update duration %, the same value is automatically set to update units %. But in this case units % and duration % cannot be different. However in the first method you can treat them differently. ie. when 60% of the duration is completed, only 40 % of resources units is completed, showing a loss of productivity and vice versa.