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Baseline dates differing from the very project I've baselined

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Thomas Nicholson
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Morning all,

Can you help at all?  I've been sent a project in P6 which I've imported and taken a baseline so that future versions can be measured. however the dates on that baseline are differnt from the project it was taken from. one has altered by a week and another by a few days. I can't understand why it would do this given it's a snapshot of the project I'm looking at.

Also another quick one why has in some cases the duration changed but not changed?  My project shows an activity as 15days, and after baseline and schedule it's still 15days but when I show the Baseline duration variance it's showing a difference of 7.5 days and it's claiming that my baseline duration is 7.5days but neither start or finish date have changed!

Any ideas more than welcome.


thanks in advance,




Manochehr Hosseini
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The answer is comming from the settings in "Earned value Calculation Section", Earned Value Tab","Admin prefrences item" in "Admin menu". 

there is a setting for earned value there and you can select one of below option: 

When calculating earned value from a baseline Use: 

1- Budgeted Value with current dates

2-At completion Value with Current dates

3- Budgeted value with planned dates


The P6 default setting is " budgeted value with planned dates" in this case if you assign a project with already has actul as beseline the baseline dates are not correct. So change the settings to one of options 1 or 2, it will be refined. 




Thomas Nicholson
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Hi all, thanks for the tips. I've read the document on what dates am I displaying before I posted. As for the thinking dates have changed it's the user baseline that I've taken from the project baseline I've taken not the "current project" version so it shouldn't change. For the date issue surely the activity calendar should be the controlling that activity rather than a default one, we have several activities with different calendars dependant on when they need to happen. Thanks for the help so far. Thom
Rafael Davila
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Ronald Winter
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You only think that the baseline dates have changed; you are comparing ‘apples to oranges.’  Check the bar definitions.  The Baseline dates are taken from the Planned Column.  I imagine that you are looking at the current early dates.  While these sometimes match, other times they do not.  May I suggest that you read a paper I presented in 2009 called, “Understanding P6 Dates”.  You can find it at  Good luck!

Raymund de Laza
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You might not assigned the Baseline as Project Baseline or User baseline. Use the Assign Baseline Menu.

With regard to Duration, Verify the default calendar to be the same as the assigned calendar in the activities.

