I have a schedule with a non-critical but resource-overallocated path through tasks A-B; and a critical path through task C, which is not resource-loaded. When I level the schedule, the path, including tasks A-B, becomes critical, and the path through task C becomes non-critical. This demonstrates that the A-B path is a resource-critical path.
But when I reset the schedule (resetting the critical path to go through C), select the last task in the schedule and choose
View | Activity Critical Path | Show Resource Critical Paths
The path through C appears, not the path through A-B. Again, Path C has no resources, while Path A-C has resource overallocation, which makes it critical when leveled.
So the output of 'Show Resource Critical Paths' appear to be incorrect.
The help explains the 'Show Resource Critical Paths' as follows:
Click 'Show Resource Critical Paths' to show the most critical path behind to the selected activity, and any activities whose resource assignments are contributing to the criticality of the selected activity (even if those activities are not on the activity-driven critical path to the selected activity).
I understand that P6 Professional View | Activity Critical Path | Show Resource Critical Paths tool should be able to specify that path through A-B is the true resource critical path prior to leveling.
So the 'Show Resource Critical Paths' always gives the same result as 'Show Backward Activity Paths.'
Your thoughts on the Show Resource Critical Paths tool would be appreciated.
Could this be a bug?
I have tried to implement the 'Show Resource Critical Paths' using the duration types Fixed Units/Time, Fixed Units, and Fixed Duration and Units/Time, but I always get the same results.
I am using P6 Professional r24.12.
Any thoughts or input?
When the project was levelled it is necessary to know new activity floats, what activities are critical in the current schedule, activity drags and other data that we use in the schedule that was not levelled. You can always compare what happened after leveling with the schedule before leveling and analyze changes.
But there is a problem with P6 - in many cases it calculates wrong resource constrained activity floats. Floats shown in the levelled schedule can be wrong and so be careful.