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Slip / Delay Column

4 replies [Last post]
Charles Gibbons
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Hi there

Still learning this MS software

Is there a formula for calculating the slip/delay to tasks behind schedule?

Ive baselined and created a planned % complete and have manually marked up progress in the % complete column

is there a formula that looks at both and generates a duration?


Thanks Charlie


Rafael Davila
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Suggest using Excel to help communicate and develop the formulas.

Slip Formula photo Slipformula_zps2fdff6ee.jpg

It might be you need an additional UDF and formula to calculate Planned Duration depending on the MSP available fields.

Good Luck,


Charles Gibbons
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Hi thanks for the reply


these links seem to deal with the varience from baseline to resheduled position

What Im actually trying to achieve is the traditional slip column you would get in ASTA

i.e. 10 day activity is due to complete on the report date but is only 80%

so the 3 columns would look like

Planned 100 (Pasted into this column from updating project and then undoing)

Actual 80 (manually typed)

Slip -2 days

All without reshedulling

Any ideas?



Rafael Davila
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Long time I have not used MSP, do not even have a license but maybe this can help:

Be careful with formulas and the difference between varanace calculated considering only workdays versus variance that also include non-work days.

Good Luck

Charles Gibbons
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anyone? is it possible?