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Planned % complete column

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Christopher Paulraj
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Can you please tell me how to get a Planned % complete column? Basically i wanted to have a progress programme showing % complete column, planned % complete column and planned and actual start dates?


Se de Leon
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As long as you have a proper CPM in your schedule, you can always calculate delays in MPP.

Step 1: Update completely and accurately your project
Step 2: Use Tools Tracking Update Project, then click Reschedule uncompleted work to start, then assign a date.
Step 3: Review your updated Critical Path
Step 4: if you can do it, mitigate delays, if not, voila, you have your updated completion date.

I hope this helps.
Christopher Paulraj
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Is there any way to calculate potential days delay or Slip?

Se de Leon
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There’s another way to do this.

Saving a separate file of your baseline project, and name it as "as planned" file. Use the Tools Tracking as complete through, then assign a date. After MPP calculates the % complete, copy paste this field to your baseline or current project as a text field. This is similar to P3, the only difference is you have to cut and paste the calculated as planned %, not assign the "as planned" schedule as a target schedule.

what darren has explained is perfect if you really want a dynamic way of showing the as planned %. If you have not get the hung of the complicated formula, you may use the above as an alternative way to show as planned %.

Darren Kosa
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Whichever field you’ve used to show Planned % Complete, should also have ‘calculation for task and group summary rows’ options. Check the ‘use formula’ radio button and it should then roll up to summary levels.

(Tools > Customize > Fields)


Christopher Paulraj
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Thanks Darren,

The formual perfectly works, but it doesn’t calaculate for summary bars. is there any solutions to calculate the baseline % complete for summary bars?

Darren Kosa
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This thread should suit your needs. Look at post #2 from Niek Zonneveld.

Display Baseline Percent complete in MS Project

By the way you need to set a baseline for it to work. ;o)

