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CONDITIONAL relationships

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Shima Zabetian
User offline. Last seen 2 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 18


I want to define some conditional relationships for an activity, for example, I have 2 activity that are predecessors of third one, I want to define these relationships as, if one of to these predecessors finished, the third activity could start.

how can define this relationship in MSP (or P6 if you know)??




Rafael Davila
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Beware resource leveling is somewhat limited for this purpose.

If the requirement is for any one of the selected activities having finished but not necessarily the other having even started you might need conditional logic as the link will exist only on one of the activities, link existence will depend on a condition. See the following link.

Needless to say more complex scenarios for groups of activities that might happen or might not happen under certain conditions can only be modeled with conditional scheduling.

Best regards,


I Think Therefore I Exist - RD

Shima Zabetian
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Dear Veladimir

Thank you So much. your solution was the best.




I already answered to your question.

Did you try an approach that I proposed?



Shima Zabetian
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now, I don't know which A or B will affect on start/ finish of C activity... I just know that after starting the project, A and B activities are parallel activities and if just one of A or B finish, C activity can start. now, how can define these relationships for C activity?




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Shima Zabetian

If an activity has multiple predecessors then you have to look that which one of them is "driving" the successor activity.For Example if Activity" C" has Two Predessors "A" & "B" .Now if you want to link the activities so that "C "should be dependant on Finish/start  of " B" then you just need to make B as"Dricing" activity for "C".

I hope it makes sense.


You can try this approach:

1) Create dummy resource R,

2) Set that there are only two units of resource R,

3) Assign one unit of R on all three activities,

4) Assign activity priorities (predecessors have higher priorities but do not link activities),

5) Run resource leveling (for resource R if there is a choice).


There is more reliable method that can be used in Spider Project but both MSP and P6 do not have necessary functionality.