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Relationship lines & critical path

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mukunda y
User offline. Last seen 11 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
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is it possible to change the relation ship lines thickness & color ????

is it possible to get the critical path for the different summery tasks( EX: in my schedule i have segregated into block 1, block 2, block 3etc, again block 1 contains summery tasks like substructure, superstructure) i want to get the critical path only for the BLock 1 is it possible??



Rafael Davila
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If instead of using WBS you can live with the use of Flags then follow the links and download the PDF and MS Project file, you should be able to figure it out. Maybe even better this will give you a clue.

For color coded bars:

Download revised files for color coded Bars and Relationship Lines, remember also shapes can be customized.

By trial and error you should get to where you want or close, within the limit as described by Alexandre "the relationship lines have the color or the predecessor bar".