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update and reschedule problem

13 replies [Last post]
kaveh kaveh
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i enter % complete for a task that is behind schedule and when i reschedule it, msp split it to 2 parts, (part 1: complited part, and second: remain part)

how i can force msp not to split the task?


Rodel Marasigan
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Of course it will change as the duration is change but you can edit and enter the % complete again to the correct percentage.
kaveh kaveh
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tanx for ur help, but when i chenge the finish date, % complete will been changed!
Rodel Marasigan
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I’m not sure in MSP 2010 if the location of Progress Line is still under Tools-> Tacking-> Progress Line. If you status your Program and under Project Information Status date is define you can select from Progress Line option to display Progress Line using Status date or Current date.
Note: Finish date will be the same unless you manually extend it.
See sample:
Progress Line
kaveh kaveh
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Sorry, i was confused. can u expalin mmore or send me a sample file?

i want show that the task is delayed, but not explit it and also shw that the finish date is changed
Rodel Marasigan
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I already warned you that it will not move to datadate. You can use Progress line to indicate that it is delayed. (Zigzag line)
kaveh kaveh
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but it causes a new problem
if u Remove tick from Split in-progress task, after reschedule, msp keep the finish date in place and doesnot change it!!!
kaveh kaveh
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i find it, tanks u. u made my day, u r my hero
kaveh kaveh
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tnx alot, but i use msp 2010, can u tell me where the option is?

can i have u r id to ask my other problems? (if it is possible?)
Rodel Marasigan
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If you don’t want to split in-progress task there is an option not to split in-progress task but it will not move to datadate. (Tools-> Options-> Schedule tab. Remove tick from Split in-progress task)

Best Regards,
kaveh kaveh
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yes, you r true, tje reason is the activity has delay

but in the real world that activity is ongoing and in action, but with spliting, it seems that activity stops for a period of time and then start again.
Rodel Marasigan
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Other reason why it split is the Activity delayed or % complete is less than datadate.

Ex: Act1 = 5day, start = 21-Jul-09 and have % Progress of 20%. If you re-schedule your Project with Datadate = 26-Jul-10 then it will split because 20% = 1 day = 22-Jul-10 and remaining = 4 which is starting at 26-July-10.
kaveh kaveh
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it does not have any relation to sequence activity, in a file that has only one activity, i have this problem too
Rodel Marasigan
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That is an example of out of sequence activity. It means that the predecessor not yet complete or not yet started and succeeding activity is already progress. Change the logic if you want it not to split the activity.