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Problem with Total Float during Progress Updating

4 replies [Last post]
Thomas Ong
User offline. Last seen 16 years 39 weeks ago. Offline
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During updating of Programme of Ms Project, the total float/slack will always become Zero even the project is delay or ahead of time. It is because there is no function in Ms Project for us to key in the Overall Project Finish date. To resolved this problem, I just go to the last activity, double click it and set the deadline of the project. It seems the problem has been solved by this simple act. However, the negative float is not shown in the summary bar and the highest level of summary bar. If we cannot show the negative or positive float on the summary bar, it is quite misleading, unless I use the Finish Variace which is not so appropriate to shown the status of project in term of number of day. Anyone know how to solve this problem?



Gerry Ampo
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Hi Thomas,

You can try this...

Double click the highest level task summary. The SUMMARY TASK INFORMATION menu will appear. Go to ADVANCE and fill up the DEADLINE box with your deadline date. The deadline date is supposed to be your preferred baseline finish.

Then, CALCULATE. (Even if the calculation option was previously set to automatic, it will not calculate automatically on this input, I don’t know why...?)


This should show a slack on your Total Slack column of your highest task summary. Probably a negative slack if you have slippage.

Hope this helps....


Thomas Ong
User offline. Last seen 16 years 39 weeks ago. Offline
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Cannot, still the same. the negative float is not appeared in the summary bar even I put deadline in the summary bar
Gerry Ampo
User offline. Last seen 3 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 32
Hello Thomas,

Put the deadline date on the highest level summary instead. This will show your slack.

Gerry Ampo
User offline. Last seen 3 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 32
Hello Thomas,

Put the deadline date on the highest level summary instead. This will show your your slack.
