Dear all,
I am looking for the following functionality, and I am wondering, if there is a trick to achieve it some how with MS Project. If not, are there any other tools, which can do it?
What I need:
1) When I make initial MS project Schedule, at the 1st instance I would like to assign roles to a task, not specific people. E.g.
Task_A requires SystemEngineer [200%] and FieldEngineer[500%]
2) At a later stage I need to start assigning specific individual to roles on a task. So at some moment in time, I will have the following status for Task_A:
Resource required:
SystemEngineer [200%]
Assigned so far
// So, 1 SystemEngineeris still not found.
Assigned so far
// So, 2 FieldEngineer(s) are still not found.
So, I want to see how many resources are needed for each of the roles, how many we have found so far and which roles will be fulfilled by which of the resources on every task.
Is there any way I can do it in MS Project?
One of the ways I found is that I 1st assign generic resources (e.g. SystemEngineer) and then start assigning specific people. The problem with this is that one can never see to which role a specific resource is assigned to.