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Having roles, not only resources. Is it possible?

25 replies [Last post]
Evgeny Z.
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Dear all,

I am looking for the following functionality, and I am wondering, if there is a trick to achieve it some how with MS Project. If not, are there any other tools, which can do it?

What I need:

1) When I make initial MS project Schedule, at the 1st instance I would like to assign roles to a task, not specific people. E.g.

Task_A requires SystemEngineer [200%] and FieldEngineer[500%]

2) At a later stage I need to start assigning specific individual to roles on a task. So at some moment in time, I will have the following status for Task_A:

Resource required:

SystemEngineer [200%]

Assigned so far

// So, 1 SystemEngineeris still not found.


Assigned so far

// So, 2 FieldEngineer(s) are still not found.

So, I want to see how many resources are needed for each of the roles, how many we have found so far and which roles will be fulfilled by which of the resources on every task.

Is there any way I can do it in MS Project?

One of the ways I found is that I 1st assign generic resources (e.g. SystemEngineer) and then start assigning specific people. The problem with this is that one can never see to which role a specific resource is assigned to.


Rafael Davila
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John Cornish
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Hi Rafael,

Thank you for your kind words on your experience of using Micro Planner X-Pert.
Rafael Davila
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I just downloaded the demo versions and got a very pleasing surprise when for curiosity at the control panel software uninstall found one is a 7mb and the other a 10 mb application. I am not deleting my demo’s, just curiosity. Seems like Ferrari’s, lean and fast machines.

That I call efficiency, I am not sold by others who like P6 claim “Strong and Robust Databases”, it is functionality what matters the most, with time you can master any.

It will take time to explore the demos; you even got to adapt your mind to change, still have the Macintosh look and feel. I was a Microplanner for the MAC user, my experience was great.

John Cornish
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Hi Rafael,

I’ve used Micro Planner X-Pert before where resources are added and can then be assigned to "Groups". These Groups can be assigned labels such as "Electrician, "Software C++", "Chemist", etc.

Then as the resources are added to the group you can also decide what % of their time is used in the group and the remainder as individual resources.

This is quite a useful facility and will recognise a resources availability from his personal "calendar".

If you need more then please call, or email.

John Cornish
Micro Planning International Ltd
Tel: +44 1202 884690
Rafael Davila
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Seems to me that in order to get full functionality as per Giles needs you might need:

a- MS Project Professional
b- Project Server Software
c- at least a computer with a Server Operating System
d- Database Software licence(s), concurrent, named ...?

Here I will appreciate your comments.

Although I like Microsoft approach I believe there is the possibility you cannot do a Stand Alone Installation under a Standard Windows Operating System as in P6, with the idea of exploring how it is applied, this would make your comments twice as valuable.

I would appreciate if you can provide us with some cost info if you have it on hand, just specify currency we can figure out the exchange. I believe that even with these costs, enterprise implementation of MS Project Pro is less expensive than P6.

Thanks in advance,

Se de Leon
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Hi Giles,

I believe you need to revisit where you will use the resource group code. By assigning values to the resource group code, then using "group by" command to the resource usage view, you will see which resources are assigned to a certain group. In your case, Alex K. and System Analyst should have System Analyst as Group Code.

I hope this works for you.
Evgeny Z.
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Thanks for clarification. I am also looking for the following functionality. Is it possible to achieve it with MS Project Server:

1) At the 1st stage I will assign only roles to the tasks

2)Then I will start finding resources, discussing with their managers availability and eventually assigning them to roles on tasks.

3) So, I want to be able to see:
a) Total resources required (total amount roles etc)
b) See which roles are already completed with resources, and which I still have to search for people.
Evgeny Z.
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you mention, that <>

How does it work in MS Project Server? I though, that MS Project Server has the same features as MS Project Professional, plus muntiuser interface.
Rafael Davila
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Can it be trough resources group? If you wish follow the link so you can see what I mean from a Suretrak print screen and a P3 print screen.

I used numbered resources with the C prefix to mean Contractual while numbered resources with the B prefix to mean Budget. You can assign resources (costs) individually to each activity. Your Budget breakdown and your Contractual breakdown don’t even have to be one on one. You can assign and distribute several breakdown items to a single activity.

One resource group includes all B prefix resources while the second includes all C prefix resources, to facilitate grouping witin a range.

Then thereafter you can generate your tabular and graphic displays.

I use Suretrak most of the time, maybe grouping can be done using cost codes (not available in Suretrak) instead of resources, you should know better.

Spider Project does it easily. We always recommend to have several project budgets in parallel - PM Team budget, Management budget, contractual budget, etc. Spider Project permits to compare any budgets with each other, current values with the previous values, etc. Any kind of comparative analysis including trend analysis.

We usually deal with large projects. And manual resource assignment that considers resource availability, resource productivity, resource cost, resource priority, activity priority, etc. is hard to do and even harder to reconsider each time when the schedule was changed. Wrong assignments lead to unnecessary delays - resource that was assigned may be busy on some activity and some other resource that have necessary skill may be available but not assigned.
Resources may be people or machines. Just imagine that you have many trucks with different capacities. You need to assign trucks to move something from one place to another. If you assign some special trucks then you may cause delay if some of assigned trucks are not available at the moment when activity is ready to start. If you assign skill Truck and specify the required number of trucks or their cumulative productivity Spider Project will select available trucks and assign those that will do the job best basing on user defined criteria (manually defined priorities, minimal duration, minimal cost or other criteria). Do you think that selecting proper truck types is so creative that can be done only by people?
People can define priorities and Spider Project will look at priorities first. But if resources with highest priorities are busy the software will look at other resources with the same skills.
If you want to assign specific resources then you shall assign these resources, not skills.

Best Regards,
Spider Project does it easily. We always recommend to have several project budgets in parallel - PM Team budget, Management budget, contractual budget, etc. Spider Project permits to compare any budgets with each other, current values with the previous values, etc. Any kind of comparative analysis including trend analysis.

We usually deal with large projects. And manual resource assignment that considers resource availability, resource productivity, resource cost, resource priority, activity priority, etc. is hard to do and even harder to reconsider each time when the schedule was changed. Wrong assignments lead to unnecessary delays - resource that was assigned may be busy on some activity and some other resource that have necessary skill may be available but not assigned.
Resources may be people or machines. Just imagine that you have many trucks with different capacities. You need to assign trucks to move something from one place to another. If you assign some special trucks then you may cause delay if some of assigned trucks are not available at the moment when activity is ready to start. If you assign skill Truck and specify the required number of trucks or their cumulative productivity Spider Project will select available trucks and assign those that will do the job best basing on user defined criteria (manually defined priorities, minimal duration, minimal cost or other criteria). Do you think that selecting proper truck types is so creative that can be done only by people?
People can define priorities and Spider Project will look at priorities first. But if resources with highest priorities are busy the software will look at other resources with the same skills.
If you want to assign specific resources then you shall assign these resources, not skills.

Best Regards,
the question was "I am looking for the following functionality, and I am wondering, if there is a trick to achieve it some how with MS Project. If not, are there any other tools, which can do it?"

You did not understand my post.
Skill scheduling means that you assign skills and the software selects which resources that have these skills to assign on each activity.

The tools that you mentioned do not select resources - they suggest to do it manually. In large projects it is too hard to make proper selections. It is impossible to reconsider assignments each time when the fact differs from the plan.
Best Regards,
There is anothee approach that is called Skill scheduling.
You can create and assign to activities not resources but skills.
You can define which resources have which skills (one resource can have many skills).
Resources belonging to the same skill may have different productivities, cosys, etc.
The software calculates project resource constrained schedule selecting resources that have necessary skills.
Resource selection is based on their availabilities and user defined priorities.
This feature is certainly available in Spider Project and I believe (but am not sure) - in Open Plan and Artemis Prestige.

I think that assigning named resources manually is not easy and will not guarantee the best results.
Rafael Davila
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From my previous posts this is what I got, sorry I don’t see much of a difference to your original request, my misunderstanding.


I am struggling to learn MS Project and take the most out of it, I am used to P3 and change is hard. This will be my last posting into your thread, good luck.

Evgeny Z.
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In this topic

It is only described how to manage resources better by adding them additional attributes. This does not allow to have roles.
Rafael Davila
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Rafael Davila
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I thought that by creating a Generic Resource per Group plus your Avilable Named Resources and latter on by Reducing your Generic Resource as a Named Resource is avilable then you could get the functionality.

Evgeny Z.
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Resource group can be used to group resources, it can’t be really used for functionality I need
Rafael Davila
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I am new into MS Project, still using other software, but after looking at your question as my way to learn Project I found after some keyword search under MS Project help that there is a field for Resources Group you can find under Task Usage View, if you do not see it you can unhide the field, maybe this could be MS Project way to handle the issue.