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Combine 2 Revision is it possible?

3 replies [Last post]
Pacifico Pallasigui
User offline. Last seen 12 years 32 weeks ago. Offline
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I have one schedule called Revision 1 (with current1 and Target1) and I have another schedule called Revision 2 (with current2 and Target 2. Is it possible to combine this 2 Revision Schedule files into one File and compare by showing summary bars for Revision 1 and 2.

Thank You



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Go to gantt chart area, right click -> select Bars (OR use Ctrl F11) and then under defined bars section, u can define current and target bars.

Select the position 1/2

Pacifico Pallasigui
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I have thought about that i think this is the only way but is is possible to have two summary bars reflecting the current and target?

Santhosh kumar
User offline. Last seen 14 years 48 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Pacifico,

Make Target2 of revision 2 as the 2nd target file of Revision 1.The current file should be the same for both revisions.

Now you have one file with target 1 & 2 and the current file.

Does this solve your problem?

