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Switching off auto numbering of tasks

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Steve Lindsay
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I’m currently merging schedules from various subcontractors in to one Primavera P3.1 integrated schedule.

The main subcontractor has resubmitted his MS Project schedule and has added 50+ tasks. As projects is want to do it has automatically renumbered everything in a nice 1 to 500 sequence.

By choice it is 10+ years since I have used MS Projects in anger but if I recall correctly you could switch auto numbering off. (I know you can stop it renumbering when you sort, but this does not stop the adding/deleting renumbering)

Anyone have an idea? as I do not want to have to manually renumber in P3 every time I receive an update.


Edit: I’m using MS Projects 2003 and subcontractor is using MS Projects 2007


L.E.N. Lewis
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One other thing: using the UniqueID means that you don’t have to worry about the Predecessor/Successor numbers -- which is why you rejected the use of the Number fields. "Unique ID Predecessor" and "Unique ID Successor" will meet your requirements.
L.E.N. Lewis
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The ID number is derived and dynamic.

You don’t have to display it (but why would you want to do that) by clicking on View | Table:XXXXX | More tables... selecting the appropriate table and then deleting it from the columns displayed.

If you want to work with a number that is unchanged then display "Unique ID". It is *generally* constant and is unchanged if you drag-and-drop tasks as you move them around in the schedule. If, however, you choose to cut-and-paste as you move them then the paste operation will, unsurprisingly, create a new Unique ID for the task.

Since your main complaint seems to be the renumbering when somebody added tasks, why don’t you just use one of the many Number fields. You would be able to control exactly what numbers are used and what the mean instead of trying to impose your order on something that is, by definition, not supposed to be anything other than dynamic.

Finally, since you are merging everything into a P3.1 schedule, I really don’t see why you’ve even raised the issue. Your project is clearly big enough for you to either purchase a P3.1 license for the contractor or to insist that the contractor use P3.1 if he is to continue participating in the project because, quite frankly, if this is your greatest concern on your project then you clearly have a project that is humming along *exceptionally* smoothly -- be thankful for your project blessing.
Steve Lindsay
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Unfortunately not, I had considered this but it doesn’t help with predessessor and successors.

Darren Kosa
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Apologies, headed into a bit of a rabbit hole. :)

However, I believe it will still be the same as the scenario you mentioned... they are automatically calculated by MS Project.

I presume using a custom number field and cutting and pasting from the Task ID is out of the question?


Steve Lindsay
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Thanks again for your response, but I don’t mean the outline number.

I mean task ID the first column on the left when you open MSP.

Below from MSP Help:

ID fields
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The ID field contains the identifier number that Microsoft Office Project automatically assigns to each task or resource as you add them to the project. The ID indicates the position of a task with respect to the other tasks or a resource in relation to other resources.

There are several categories of ID fields. Learn more about field categories.

Data Type Integer (integer field: A type of field whose content is a whole number. Examples include the ID and Unique ID fields.)

ID (task field)

Entry Type Calculated (calculated field: A field in which the value is determined by Project based on information in other fields. Project may recalculate the value automatically or when you specify, depending on your choice of calculation settings.)

How Calculated As you create tasks, Project automatically assigns the next number in the sequence of tasks as listed. This becomes the task ID.

Best Uses Use the ID field in a task view when you want to display or filter the task ID.

Example If you have three tasks entered in sequence, their task IDs are 1, 2, and 3. If you insert a new task between task 2 and task 3, the inserted task becomes task 3, and the previous task 3 becomes task 4.

Remarks When you insert, move, or delete a task, Project automatically updates the ID numbers so that the ID numbers always reflect the current task order. After deleting or moving tasks, if you want to return tasks to their original order, use the Unique ID field instead of the ID field.

I’m now searching for "choice of calculation settings"

Darren Kosa
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Ahh, bugger. I was afraid you were going to say that!!

As far as I’m aware you cannot edit / change outline numbers as they are automatically calculated by MS Project.

You can edit / change WBS custom outline codes but these aren’t the ones in the ID column.

I’ll try and do a bit of investigation, but I’m not overly confident you can.


Steve Lindsay
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Hi Darren,

No I mean the task ID.

Darren Kosa
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Hi Steve,

Do you mean that the outline numbers (WBS code essentially) are showing in the Task Name (Description) column?

If you do then try Tools > Options > View and uncheck the ’Show Outline Number’ box.

This is how you would do it for MS Project 2003 I couldn’t definitively say if it is the same in 2007.

Hopefully this is what you’re after.

