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Project 2007 Major bug

20 replies [Last post]
Tom Hadley
User offline. Last seen 39 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
Read this article on an Australian IT site,24897,22589453-15317,00.html

If you are one of many users working with both 2007 and 2003 files this will impact you !

The work around suggested by Microsoft means "a lot of extra " Work Around", saving to new file every time a change is made, even minor changes such as a new activity or dependency. Ridiculous !!

If you are a major user of this product , complain to them because they only think a few people are bothered by the issue. As a consequence they, Microsoft, are taking the attitude we wont fix it until more people notice the bug and complain

Mark my words , it is a major bug


John Cornish
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You are absolutely right, you can’t give someone planning tools and expect them to develop successful project plans unless they’ve had a couple of years PM experience in running projects and some professional PM training.

At Micro Planning International Ltd, we fully endorse the training for Project Managers and Planners first (or at least understanding the level of experience that clients have) before offering Micro Planner X-Pert.

After all, planning tools are simply a way of recording decisions made by those involved in projects, (eg. estimating, resource costs, availability, etc, etc.) and then mathematically computing schedules and costs.

But more that this is the careful drilling down into the project for WBS, OBS and Cost breakdown to the level where control and accountability need to be exercised.

Those of you that have used Micro Planner X-Pert will have realised that it was designed by Project Managers for Project Managers and Planners.

On our website at we’ve placed a couple of documents for you to download and compare/contrast Micro Planner X-Pert with other packages.

If you complete the form for comparative reasons and want to email it to me using private messaging then I would be delighted to hear from you.

David Kelly
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Now now guys and gals, you are all slagging of nice Microsoft Project, and it is my favorite software. I make a living as a Primavera Dealer. If microsoft project worked I would be out of a job. So well done Microsoft! Clearly Project 2007 is another fabulous sales and marketing tool for Primavera. No change there then
Tom Hadley
User offline. Last seen 39 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
Thank you all for particapting in this discussion . I believe it is important to share our views. I agree, the best available proper package at present is Primavera. I ahv enot tried spider but here good things about it.

My main grouch with Microsoft, is that as a result of the way they market it, this denigrates our profession , they try to make out that with their tool, any one can plan and schedule. As we all know this is not the case.

Unforunaltey I am often stuck with a client who uses it , so I believe that the product should work.

Thanks again

Asking the question which is the best is a little like sayin gwhich is the best car . We say "horses for courses " the tool needs to fit the job. Organisations also need to look at the whole project management process not just the tool, theey need to look at theior procedure, and staffing

Bye now
Thank you, Sasha.
Inform me when you will plan to do it and I will send some instructions to make the process easier and faster.
when do you plan to try Spider Project?
I am interested in your oppinion.
Niek Zonneveld
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I think if you can combine: P6, with the scheduling and global change capabilities from the old P3; calculated fields, macro’s, and simulation capabilities from Pertmaster V8; with Crystal Reports (going through the regular security layers) on top, you would have a pretty strong tool. At least something I would be willing to pay serious money for.

Without any doubt, the worst tool in the world is MS Project; it should be redesigned from scratch (by people who understand scheduling) because the summary task mechanism is a fundamental architectural blunder. The way Microsoft dilutes established scheduling terminology and the erroneous results this product produces (since two decades!) is an insult to the professional schedulers community, or any other business customer.

Which is best which is worst, there you go...


P.S. Alexandre, merci bien for your advise on Crystal Reports, GREAT product, I love it!
Tom Hadley
User offline. Last seen 39 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
I agree, unforynatley many of my clients insist on using it.

I also operate from a set of principles which says if software is sold to do something, and some poor misguided people the lie .

I belive it is one of my jobs as a professional to not let Microsoft get away with it.

YEs Primavera is a superior tool for most things
Brad Lord
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what is wrong with primavera or even suretrak which is cheap as chips and works, I dont even go for contracts where they use MSP, the tool has driven me up the wall over the years but due to it being used by people who are not planners to produce pretty bar charts sometimes dont have a choice


Ray Messinger
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Also if you create a new Bar Style the Name you assign does not stick. Instead in changes to something else.

And you can’t create pdf’s with the 3D shading on.
Nader K. Rad
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You’re right, but we all need to be tolerant; Our own projects are not ideal too ;)

Nader Khorrami Rad
Nader K. Rad
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Calm down Tom,

The sobject is that there’s error in that help, and this should not happen.

Nader Khorrami Rad
Tom Hadley
User offline. Last seen 39 weeks 1 day ago. Offline

You are right it shouldnt happen. These forums are meant to assist each other with our professional skills I thought. Yes we should assist by letting each other know the bugs in the software.

There are lots of errors in Project Help and the software.

In the country that I live in, if a product is sold as fit for purpose then it has to be fit for purpose !!!. The projects that I work on do not get paid unless the final result is complete and the quality is correct.

Yet Microsoft and other software companies can release half baked half tested products, charge full price and expect the users to test and let thme knwo about bugs we find.

I for one am fed up of the marketing hype that occurs which does not reflect the reality of the final product.

I need a tool that works, not one like a hammer that the head keeps falling off.
Tom Hadley
User offline. Last seen 39 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
I have noticed on this forum that people are getting confused with the proper critical path terms.

Microsoft did not invent the techniques nad its calculation engine has allways been suspect.

Microsoft Project is a tool which purports to use critical path method to calculate Float (what Microsoft calls Slack !!)

The basis principles dont change just because the software wallers at Microsoft dont understand the basic principles of critical path.

I suggest that first time users of critical path software, learn the basic principle, before ! they pick up the software

There are a number of books on the subject.

But dont expect to use the Project help files to teach you critical path. That will only tell how Microsoft does it and is not always reliable. Get a professional book on the subject or get yourselves trained

Tom Hadley
The Project Management Workshop

Nader K. Rad
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I’ve found out another problem. When you change remaining duration, and all three of the remaining duration, actual duration and duration are not the same type (ellapsed or normal), your actual duration would change.

Had you ever had a look at Start Slack or Finish Slack help topics of the software? it says that free slack = min (start slack, finish slack), but it’s not true; total slack = (start slack, finish slack).

Nader Khorrami Rad
Paul Harris
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Thank you for this information.

I found a few problems when I updated my 2003 books to 2007.

1. Only single day nonwork periods could be made repeating.
2. Grouping did not work with Custom Outline Codes when multiple levels were used. The description is corrupted.
3. I was informed that the Group Resources had an issue with it.
4. When MSP2007 is loaded with Primavera 5/6 one can no longer import MSP files into Primavera.

Paul E Harris
Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia
Planning and Scheduling Training Manual & Book Publishers & Consulting