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s-curve microsoft project

31 replies [Last post]
Nor Arif
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I need an effort-based forecasting. I don’t want to use MH or Cost. I just have the activities, baseline start-date, baseline end-date, actual start-date,
actual end-date, % work completed. I want to be able to draw s-curve using these information for a specific date.

Does anyone know how I can accomplish this.

Thank you.


Eric Uyttewaal
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Hi, Another cheap add-in that cerates S-curves is our application "CurvesPro"; you can find it at: Addressing MS Projects errors in EVM calculations and producing S-curves is all it does... Eric
Adolfo Caccialanza
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The best solution for Progress Curves is at this site:


Best regards

Chris Rymer
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Have a look at Project Tracker. You can create your S curve without exporting the data to a spreadsheet. You can download a free trial at or email me at for more information.
Jean-Yves Moine
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you can buy "S curves V2" VBA EXCEL application:

it allows to :

  • Create 26 S curves (baseline early and late, physical progress) in automatic connection with a MS PROJECT or PRIMAVERA P6 schedule.
  • Spread the weights in a linear or Gaussian way over the tasks of schedule.
  • Create S curves with 3 criteria, on the basis of 5 task codes.
  • Manage a schedule up to 10,000 tasks.

BR, Jean-Yves Moine.

Jean-Yves Moine
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Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
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I have exported data from the task/resource usage tables to excel, the reason being that you can’t hold progressive actuals to measure against the plan curve - all you can pull off are the latest values.
If you want to see a planned curve only, split the window to Gannt & Resource Graph (bottom pane). Then format the graph details to cumulative work (this will give you stepped appearance. Format the bar styles to line. This will give you an s curve for planned work only - unfortunately this is as far as you can go.
Oliver Melling
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James Griffiths
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Yes, I fully appreciate that it can be very difficult to achieve the best possible alignment, and account for every significant influence. Often though, people aren’t aware of what needs to be done in order to maximise the output for the minimum input. It’s only when the project has started that they realise how important the data alignment and processing systems are. But by that time it’s too late, and they’re stuck with an unenviable mess....which then leads to the feeling of "EV is poo".
Oliver Melling
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Factoring every item of the baseline to reflect reality is CORRECT, but it is not always achievable, it depends on how the estimate was produced.

I have yet to work anywhere that aligns every stage that i’m involved in, i.e the estimate, WBS, accounting system and reporting format.
This is due to staff doing thing in different ways and every stakeholder wanting a something slightly different.

I think it may be easier to align each elelment and implement EV on large singular projects, as the are fewer stakeholders compared to when you have 15-20 smaller projects.

This is why i think EV is more suited to large projects.
James Griffiths
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Anything that affects the amount of time or cost should be accounted for in programming your BCWS....unless the effects are minimal. If you don’t account for this, then this is precisely why the data becomes totally f**ked. This is also precisely the reason why I’m writing my Applied Methodologies...just to show how big a difference it makes.

I agree that everything should be as simple as possible.....but over-simplification leads to skewed or misunderstood data...which leads to the same old argument.

The costs of doing EV are not necessarily proportional to the value of the project....especially if you are running a proper programme. It all depends on the way that your data is constructed and how you are doing the EV. Because man-hours are probably the most accurate method of doing EV, in our environment, we have a fully resourced programme anyway. The fact that I would have to maintain the programme, regardless of whether we are using it for EV, means that for a given size of programme, the additional time taken for extraction and presentation of EV data is relatively small. The EV data extraction takes about two hours for a team size of 50 engineers or 10 engineers (actually determined by the number of manual inputs). But this is purely because I have set-up all the XL data tables in order to minimise any human input. However, we have one client that is doing the EV in a way that we cannot do "electronically" - purely because of the way that he has constructed his programme. Due to this structure "mis-match", it takes me a disproportionately long time to compile the EV data for a very small team.
Oliver Melling
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Using a percentage to show progress is fine as long as you dictate that it is physical or duration % complete type.

750k bricks would only be 75% progress if each brick took the same amount of time to lay.

Bigger bricks might take longer, bricks at the top of a building might take longer to lay than those in the foundations.

I agree with James that productivity is effected by learning on the job, but i’m not sure it should be entered in the baseline as a factor.....

EV should be simple and used to indicate project performance and i think that it must be stated that it only is truly of use in multi-million pound projects as the cost of implementing and maintaing EV must be weighed up against the total value of the project.
James Griffiths
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You are absolutely right in your assertions – and it all depends upon what measure we use to determine % Complete and how we interpret it. It could be easily argued that, from the perspective of the whole job, your 75% spend-to-date (of the latest forecast) equates to a perfectly valid measure of progress. It matters not as to how many of the bricks you have laid. If we were to assume that 500K/1M bricks had been laid, then we would be 50% physically complete. This obviously equates to a $1.5 cost per-brick. If this cost-per-brick was the correct estimate and you were on schedule etc. then the fact that the remaining 500K bricks are going to cost you $0.50 each is totally immaterial. Numerically, therefore, either measure of “progress” is equally valid. Of course, however, you are perfectly entitled to question why the first 500k bricks are costing you three times as much as the second 500k bricks. This is where the EV equations are extremely useful – because the EV data set gives you the cost per unit output and compares that to the original estimate - but only if you have correctly constructed your BCWS profile.

If you know in reality that your first 500k bricks will have to account for the fact that you will have to learn how to lay bricks, and yet you apply a “simple weighting” (linear cost per brick) and derive a BCWS on the basis of that simple weighting, then you are extremely likely to encounter a very poor BCWP and CPI..….although in reality you are on schedule. Each of your chosen methods will give different combinations of EV data values for the same level of physical progress. Subsequently, any statistical extrapolations are likely to be in error – which is another of your issues. Ultimately, therefore, if you have any questions, you HAVE to understand the original methods of compiling the estimates, how one chose the cost apportionment and what unit of measure was used to calculate progress.

In many cases, I’m sure that most of use would probably just say that $1M/1M bricks = $1 per brick, and then profile the BCWS on that basis. On “average” this would be perfectly true, and comparing whole-job values, is perfectly acceptable. It’s like saying that a 1000Km drive is going to take you 10hrs. It will, if you average 100km/hr. However, during the drive itself, how often will you actually be driving at exactly 100km/hr? In order to correctly gauge your progress, your driving profile should really be, for example: 1st leg: Town Driving: 50km = 1hour. 2nd leg: Good Interstate road for 800km = 5hrs. 3rd leg: Outback: 150km = 4 hours. Mathematically you have averaged 100km/hr. and would finish your journey at exactly the right time. However, if you profiled your journey (displacement/time = BCWS) on the basis of the average speed (simple weighting), you would, at any interim reporting period, show incorrect EV data – thus cause arguments when comparing your real position relative to the computed, baseline position that was indicated by the BCWS. Such arguments would almost inevitably lead to the statement that "EV is a pile of poo"....not because the methodology is wrong, but because it was incorrectly applied, due to a lack of in-depth knowledge as to how the variables interact.

Trevor Rabey
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I am very happy to discuss your proposition, but I have to say that it leaves out the rest of the story and most of the necessary information.

I find the idea of "% Complete" to be unsatisfactory and uninformative, mainly because it is an incomplete statement of the situation.

A more accurate rendering of your proposition is "we have spent 75% of what we currently think will be a total cost of $1M (to achieve whatever it is that we set out to achieve)". Of course, you might originally have estimated the total to be anything other than $1M.

Whether you can call $750K out of $1M "75% Complete" depends on what you have set out to achieve. If you set out to spend $1M, then, yes, you are 75% complete.
But this alone, spending money, is unlikely to ever be the objective. It is just the means to the end.

If you set out to lay 1M bricks, then when 750K bricks are laid the job is 75% done, regardless of how much you thought it might cost to get this far, regardless of how much it actally cost and regardless of how much you estimate that it might cost to lay the remaining bricks.
Also, the job is 75% done regardless of how long it took to get this far and regardless of how long you thought it would take etc..

James Griffiths
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As to HOW the forecast was calculated; it makes no difference. The assumption is that the forecast is "accurate". You look, therefore, only at the resultant value.

Scott Sando
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"Here is one-for-the-pot!! If you have a $1M project, and you have spent $750K and the forecast to completion is $250k, then you are 75% complete.


How was the forecast calculated?
James Griffiths
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As may be noted, we are currently engaging in rhetoric which may be limiting in terms of taking foward the discussions on the merits of EV and/or other reporting systems. What should we do: provide numerical examples of Good/Bad practice; show examples of how to use it to deceive themselves and clients? Can we each quote a situation where WE ourselves knew what we were doing, but someone else chose to apply a plausible-but-false interpretation in order to make the figures look good?

At the moment, I am writing a document about the principles and applied methodologies of EV. It deals very, very simply with five methods of doing the same thing....and that is calculating progress (% complete). It is designed for people who have always been bamboozled by the plethora of extraneous information that normally accompanies a consultancy-generated EV training day. It cuts through all the crap and gives comparative results. It comes complete with the full set of EV data, including SPI, CPI etc. Moreover, in this example, it definitively concludes (without any form of "manipulation") that the primary element of the EV system relies on the chosen method of calculating progress and how the "value" is claimed.

I often find that EV data is often very easy to question - and is therefore open to easy dismissal. This is especially the case where the PM has merely a few minutes to understand the results of an unexepcted value. They just don’t have time to understand how it works. They often just don’t have the ability to put-aside their own conventional perceptions on how the numbers interact. This is not to say that they are stupid or bad people...but it’s almost as though they want to simplify their lives and find a singular cause of the variances when, in reality, there isn’t one.

Here is one-for-the-pot!! If you have a $1M project, and you have spent $750K and the forecast to completion is $250k, then you are 75% complete.



Scott Sando
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Hello all, long time lurker & first time poster.

I’m far from being an experienced planner, but a large part of my current role is Earned Value reporting, which is why I have decided to comment.

Trevor, you may not be cynical, you may not believe EV is wrong, but, like James, that is the inference I draw from your posts.

I agree that EV at the top level of a project is fraught with danger; it may demonstrate that a project is running poorly, but it cannot prove the project is running well. If people attempt to draw such conclusions is it the fault of the method, or the (poor) implementation of it?

I also agree that SPI is of limited practical use late in a project. I can’t help wondering why a PM would need it late in a project anyway? By the time SPI is "masking" a problem the PM should already know the project is in trouble. Or is your concern that improper use of SPI allows a PM to deceive the client/sponsor?

I’ve yet to read any reference here to Contract Performance Reports. S-curves and indicator plots provide nice graphical representations of data, but CPR Format 1 (for example) can quickly and easily highlight where variances lie in the project - and new S-curves / indicator graphs can be generated to illustrate what’s really happening within any chosen WBS / OBS / RBS element, or Cost Account.

I think this is where EV falls down, as tools such as MS Project don’t easily provide this functionality (well, I haven’t discovered it - yet.) With the right tools, EV allows simple in depth analysis of project performance. Without the right tools, it can easily generate a false sense of security.

Is that the fault of the method, or the implementation?


I will wait for your answer and maybe will be able to add some arguments or examples.
I am sure that our positions are very close and we see the same EV problems.
Trevor Rabey
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more detailed discussion follows, but for the moment, just a few points.
Too many assumptions regarding perceptions, my tone, cyncism, understanding etc, and I didn’t say EV is wrong.
I do understand it, I know how the arithmetic works, I am not cynical, I know what an estimate is, etc.
Re-estimating is essential, EV is as good far as it goes, it should be done etc, but people read things into it that just aren’t there, uses it for interpretations and purposes which are not valid, and it still has problems which I mentioned that you have not addressed.
More soon.
James Griffiths
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I detect a slight note of cynicism in your posting . Although in some instances I can partially sympathise with your views, I cannot help but say that such views are often borne of bad experience…and the bad experience is often borne out of sub-optimal knowledge of how the methodology works, its characteristic behaviours and the management systems that underpin the data acquisition and number-crunching processes. OK, you and I probably work in two entirely different environments, but that in itself doesn’t make the EV methodology wrong.

I’m afraid that I must strongly disagree with a number of your observations – which seem to be based, maybe, on a lack of understanding of how to get the best out of it. It is completely wrong to say that it “…ignores the critical path…”. If you are doing the wrong tasks, (ie. those not on the critical path) then your ETC curve will push-out the end-date. Like anything else, Trevor, if you don’t generate re-forecasts then you are not going to get the correct data to put into the equations – which means that the output data is also going to be wrong. I’ve used the process now on several large projects – and it’s been near bang-on. The problem is that no-one believed it – so they got themselves right in the sh*t.

Yes you are quite right in that it is possible to get good overall results when, in fact, not all is as well as it seems. Most often, this is down to the chosen method of claiming/earning your “value”, appropriately apportioning the “weightings” (if any) such that when you “earn” your “value”, you are not accidentally skewing your BCWP results. Again, this is where a detailed understanding of the equations and the variables therein will enable you to avoid falling into the trap in which almost everyone becomes caught.

You say that “EV is most useful on a task by task basis……lot less useful when …tasks are smerged…”. Entirely the opposite I’m afraid!! When you have several hundred tasks in progress, how the heck are you to make an overall judgement unless you have a numerical process to crunch and summarise the numbers? Our projects are planned, resource-profiled, booked-to and re-forecast on a task-by-task basis. This is all done electronically via MSP, Project Central (Server) and our Finance system called CIMPAC. With the correct data set-up (knowing how to construct the spreadsheets and apply some very basic comparison equations directly within the software), we can output a full set of EV data, weekly cost and progress variance data and its future effects on the project – all within the space of about 2 hours. The variances can be drilled down to the individual programme task – which retain the same level of comparable information – thus distinguishing every element that has caused any significant variances. The programme itself will still define the critical-path. In fact, the programme is still the primary reference source for all time-phase profiling of the activities, resource loading and the conventional planning roles. However, correct maintenance and husbanding of the programme is probably still one of the most important activities undertaken. Remember, a programme is nothing but an estimated, numerical storyboard and model of the project – live and continually evolving. Used properly, in conjunction with some very basic arithmetic, it’s a wonderful tool. However, one should always remember that it’s only ever an ESTIMATE. Moreover, the integrity of any output data is wholly dependent upon the integrity of the chain of input operations that form the closed-loop feedback system that constitutes Project Reporting. This starts with the engineers and their timesheet bookings. If one link in that chain of events gets broken, then the whole system can come crashing-down. Remember the proverb: “For The Want Of A Nail A Kingdom Is Lost.”

So far, I have found EV to be far superior to anything else. Like anything, though it has to be treated with respect. That respect comes from a full understanding of the way it functions and what is required to make it function properly, ranging from the initial compilation of the programme, to constructing the relatively simple spreadsheets that maximise the output whilst minimising the human input, to applying the appropriate interpretations of the data. It is not a perfect method – nothing is: but virtually all of the failures and subsequent disdain of EV is based on lack of knowledge and understanding, poor application and failure to observe the very basic rules and conventions. Doing EV properly is not easy. However, it is not technically difficult either. It can be somewhat time-consuming, but that is based predominantly on the data acquisition and computational capabilities of the “company systems”.

EV reminds me of the game of Othello: where each person’s counters are sandwiched between their opponent’s and then turned over. It takes a minute to learn, but a lifetime to master.


Nitin Chaudhari
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It was very nice explanation by you why Ev doesn’t represent true health of project.

Can you please suggest what would the best way to monitor the project in terms of schedule and cost effectively.

Oliver Melling
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I believe SPI & CPI are exactly what they are called.


I feel that SPI and CPI were only intended to draw the eye of the PM or senior management team to the important areas of concern. EVA is a tool to track projects, wheread EVM involves integrating othe management practices to mitigate cost and schedule creep.

If you think of a project as the car infront, the indicator show the people following it which way it is going to go.

The skill comes in correcting the steering before you run over a granny.


SV - Schedule Variance
CV - Cost Variance
Nicolas Igersheim
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Hi Trevor,

Indeed a valuable text, and well worth reading in
planning schools.

For newbies like me (or people with little knowledge of
English), I would have spelled out
BCWP: Budgeted Cost of Work Performed
BCWS: Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled
ACWP: Actual Cost of Work Performed

The SV, etc... escape me however, can you help,
maybe edit your post?
It would be well worth printing and pasting on a wall!


James Griffiths
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Good morning Trevor - and what a beautifully written response. I’ll be more than happy to respond to your comments ASAP, and I’d like to do it this morning. Unfortunately I have rather a lot of work for the next few days - so please bear with me.


Trevor Rabey
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Thanks Vladimir.
And thank you, James, for pointing that out.

I don’t mean to be disagreeable, but I don’t think that is why EV was invented.

Also, I think EV is over-rated and used for purposes for which it was never intended, and highly doubtful meanings are inferred from questionable interpretations and then perhaps even ill-informed decisions are made which result in ineffective or even counter-productive action.

Although it has its uses I don’t think that it is a very valuable or useful set of metrics. I mean, its Ok, and means something, maybe, but it only addresses part of the problem and only some of the questions and issues. I think we need to be careful not to attach too much importance to it and not neglect to have other methods to fill in the gaps.

EV was easy to invent because, in a well planned and tracked project, the numbers needed for the chain of ratios, differences and extrapolation calculations (BCWP, BCWS, ACWP) were just lying around anyway not being used for anything. Someone would have noticed eventually.

I have nothing against calculating SV, CV, SPI, CPI and then having a discussion about whether they are greater or less than zero or one repectively, and by how much and what that might mean.

But I have some objections to the interpretations, and especially the extrapolations.

EV has lots of problems of its own to start with. The main one has to be that, in practice, ACWP is hardly ever available in anything approaching real-time, because most project management, business management and accounting systems are not efficient enough to provide it.

Just being able to have the necessary three numbers to start the EV calculation is at least a measure that the planning and reporting systems are working, and not being able to do EV is a sure sign that they are not good enough.

Also, there is that annoying problem (ambiguity etc) of SPI approaching 1 as the project comes to completion, even if it is a lot later than originally planned, leading to the so called "new" metric of "Earned Schedule".

EV is most useful at a Task by Task basis, and a lot less useful when the collective EV results of all of the Tasks (perhaps thousands) are smerged together, in an attempt to try to reduce the progress "health" of the entire project to something which can be measured with a handful of numbers.

Then we come to extrapolation and prediction of EAC and the project finish date. I word, dodgy.
OK, documented experience shows that early CPI and SPI are an indicator of how they will be later because they are usually known not to change much.
But, how reliable can it be to use a linear extrapolation to make a long range prediction based on a small sample of early data, on a situation which is usually clearly not linear.

EV conveniently leaves out a few pertinent considerations.
EV ignores the Critical Path entirely so it is possible to achieve apparently "good" overall project level EV numbers even though you are doing the wrong Tasks.
EV ignores the fact that all of the project not yet done can be planned and managed, and hopefully will be, ie, the humans are driving the project and it isn’t just being propelled to an inevitable destiny.

EV says nothing helpful about what caused the differences between BCWP, BCWS and ACWP, or how the differences can be prevented or how BCWP, BCWS and ACWP can be made to converge so that SPI and CPI both equal 1, and everyone can be happy.
James, you are joking.
Earned Value does not supply project planners with the tools for estimating remaining durations of project activities. If to apply Earned Value Analysis for this task the results will be funny.
James Griffiths
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That’s why Earned Value was invented, Trevor!

Wakey, wakey :-)
Trevor Rabey
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In MSP, Work is a measure of Hours (or man-hours).
% Work Complete = (Actual Hours/Total Hours)*100.

MSP also knows about Duration and Cost.

There is a field called "% Complete", which is about Duration, (Actual/Total)*100.

There is no "% Cost Complete" field but if there was it would be (Actual/Total)*100.

But none of these three is a real measure of progress.
Sure, knowing that you have used 50% of the planned Duration and spent 60% of the planned money, and logged 40% of the planned Hours tells you something, but it does not tell you much about the progress of the Task.

If you are laying cable or laying bricks or pouring concrete, you want to know how many metres, bricks or m3 have been achieved out of what was intended/planned. You could convert metres, bricks or m3 to a %.

You could then compare that to the % Work, Duration or Cost. You could then re-estimate the remaining Work, Duration and Cost.

You can graph cumulative metres, bricks or m3, on individual S curves, but I cannot see the sense in graphing them all on the same curve.
J Venkatesh PMP P...
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make a copy of ur project file....

auto update the project, keeping the status date as the project end the project will be auto updated...

using the reports, view the % work completed daily...

the report, which u wud be getting will be the planned progress and draw a S - Curve in xcel using the obtained values....

track the actual % against this planned S curve..

Nor Arif
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The x-axis is the time, but the y-axis is the % work complete for the project.

For example,
task - lay cable
baseline start 10/11/07
baseline end 10/15/07
For the baseline, when this task ends, 100% of the task has been completed, but a certain % of the project would have been completed.

actual start - 10/11/07
For actual, say we do the graph on 10/16, but only 75% of this task has been completed. Which means only a certain % of the project would have been completed at this point.

When the last task of the project is completed, 100% of the project would have been completed.

Does this make sense or is my boss being ridiculous?
Trevor Rabey
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What is your definition of "effort based forecasting".
If you want to graph something you have to be able to count and measure it. What are you planning to measure and count if not Hours and Dollars? And how does anything except Hours or Dollars give any meaningful progress information?

You say that you don’t want to use MH but then you mention that you do want to measure "% Work Complete". But this is the same thing in MSP.

An S Curve is a graph of cumulative something on a vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis.

The "something" that is recognised by MSP, ie can be Cost or Work (ie "Man-Hours").
It can be something else as well, such as something to do with the Task, eg bricks or m3 of concrete.

You can use the Analysis Toolbar and the "analyse timescaled data in EXCEL" button to export Cumulative Work or Cumulative Cost from MSP to EXCEL and it will draw the graph - v convenient.

If you have something else that you want to measure and graph cumulatively it is easy to use the Task Cost as a stand-in.

For example, if you are laying 10000 bricks in 10 Days you can assign a Resource to the Task which costs $1000/day, then graph Cumulative Cost, and then edit the axis title and delete the $ signs.
But not every Task involves bricks.