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calender print

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km moradi
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hi dear
i want to print calenders that i deffine for my resource & tasks but msp allow me only to print base calender that i dont know what is it & how i can edit it!!!
is there any body solve my problem?
all the best


km moradi
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thank all my friends (for your responsibility)
i prefer to use View-->Reports-->Custom-->base calender (as Alexandre and Jaco and Erik and ... say )and
show for printing ,this is fastest way to inform managers and others about start and finish date of each day.
all the best
Raj Maurya
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Go to the caleder View and then format Time scale then click date shading and there you can choose your resource calender (as per your need).And you can define bars also if you need.
km moradi
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because i have some days that i deffine over time for them ,so i must inform other managers to know which days
at which month are overtime and from what start time to and finish time?
how can i use msp calender to solve my problem?
notic:i can see that days at my gantt view but all of my project are too long as i can print as it view.
regards moradi
Raj Maurya
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Hi K M
I think you can create daily calender view and as you said you have defined your resource calenders so after creating the calender view then format time scale and then click "date shading" then choose one of the resource calender and define other exceptions as per your need. Format the bar style as you like. The bar will show the tentative (proportionally) working time of eack worker. Only thing you need to use filter for the selected resource.
Erik Jonker
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Andrew and Jaco are correct, because it gives you the start and finish times for each weekday, then it gives you the exceptions.

If this is not what you want and you want it in a calender format. If you are really serious - either do it in MS-Excel or in a create milestone activities for named start and finish each day, constrain the dates, and print it in normal view. You could even use MS-Outlook or another program that can print.

I don’t know of any planning package that can do this.

Why do you want the start and finish times in there, do you have a timekeeping problem?


Jaco Stadler
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Have a look at page two. (First is the standard and then it is the defined calender) (Well on my Computer this is how it works)

Also if you print the calender it will give you the dates (and grey scale)
km moradi
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hi Andrew & Erik
unfortunately your answers dont solve my problem.
becuse i want to print define calender at the start of my project for all workers and managers to specify for them which day is nonworking time and which working time & its important for me to show them what is start& finish time at each day .i want a print such below address but about all weeks(View-->Reports-->Custom-->base calender).
thank a lot
Erik Jonker
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Andrew’s way is the only way you can print it, but you can’t edit it there. You go to Tools-->Change working time... and select the calender you want to edit.

Hope this helps.


Andrew Podolny
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I’ve used to create Custom Report (View-->Reports-->Custom-->New-->Monthly Calendar-->Calendar: Your calenadar).
Hope It’ll work.