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Production Rates

24 replies [Last post]
Anthony Habkouk
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Hey all,

I still cant access these production rates. Can someone please foward them to me.

The error messgae is;

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error ’80040e31’

[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.0.18-nt]Out of range value adjusted for column ’CSO’ at row 1

/output_results.asp, line 177



Mike Testro
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Hi Anthony

Just click the "Rates" tab.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Hello Michael,


Can you please guide how I can access this tools.



Chris Oggham
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Note for PP Admin.

Just over three hours from getting an explanation of the problem to getting it fixed! I’m impressed!

Chris Oggham
Michael Tuckett
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Hi Team,

It seems to be working OK now.

Many Thanks
Aneesuddin Zubair...
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PP Admin

Thanks its working.

Aneesuddin Zubair...
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Thanks, PP Admin Anees
Forum Guest
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Hello. I think we have fixed the production rates script error.

Let us know if it is still not OK for you.

PP Admin
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We can’t re-create the error. Can someone explain the issue for us. Sorry !!

Aneesuddin Zubair...
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knock!! knock!!! PP Admin are you there....

please help us.


deys nassah
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I forgot to mentione, I tried login suggestion - didn’t work for me!!

Waiting in anticipation...


deys nassah
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May be we are not filling in all the fields correctly!? I would like to requestthe PP moderators to give us an example of how to fill in the fields!!


Forum Guest
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Hi there,

Appologies. We thought this issue had been fixed. I will chase the tech team today to see where we are, and why it has not been resolved.

I will report back shortly.

Thanks PP Admin
Aneesuddin Zubair...
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Sounds strange to me !!!!! time for PP Admin to show..


Se de Leon
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Hi guys,

Moderators correct me if I’m wrong. In order to access the productivity rates, 1 member should have at least recommended 2 additional members. Perhaps this could be the problem.


Chris Oggham
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Don’t know what else to suggest, except to send a private mail with the error message to PP Admin.

Chris Oggham
Richard Gush
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Same story here.

Logging in makes no difference.

Julie Scully
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Logging in makes no difference, I’m always logged in when viewing the site, but as soon as I try to view a particular production rate I get the dreaded error.

Chris Oggham
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Hi Anees,

You don’t have to logoff first, simply click on the Login / Join text on the navigation menu, and login as you would do normally. I’ve found that if I access Planning Planet through the link in a Post Notification, it doesn’t always log me in automatically. If I’m not logged in, I can’t access the Production Rates information.


Chris Oggham
Chris Oggham
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Hi Guys,

I had an error message similar to the one described. I found that if I logged in again I could access the Prod-Rates Information.

Might be worth a try.


Chris Oggham
Richard Gush
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Hi Ronald,
I have the same error message...

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error ’80040e31’

[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.0.18-nt]Out of range value adjusted for column ’CSO’ at row 1

/output_results.asp, line 177

By the looks of thing’s it may not be working for people that are positions outside of the United States. That may be why you can’t see the error?

Richard Gush
Aneesuddin Zubair...
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Hi Chris,

I could not find the log out or sign off anywhere on this website. Correct me if I understood wrong, you mean to log-off and relog.


deys nassah
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Hi Ronald,
Its the same error message...

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error ’80040e31’

[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.0.18-nt]Out of range value adjusted for column ’CSO’ at row 1

/output_results.asp, line 177


Ronald Winter
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May I suggest that you forward an email to ? Be sure to state exactly what error messages were generated.
deys nassah
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Maybe the moderators or site administartors can help with this, I am also not able to access the productivity rates!!!

