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loss of productivity due to impact of variation order on original scope

3 replies [Last post]
Md Manjar Nadeem
User offline. Last seen 2 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Feb 2013
Posts: 9

We claimed Variation Works from client , But Can we claim loss of productivity due to impact of variation order on original scope?? 


Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 4 days 10 hours ago. Offline

Hi Manjar,

You need to haev aunit rate for ur PErsonals both Direct and Indirect in Contract but if you dont have you need to provide a unit rate table officially.

On this basis you need to prepare the variation order including all the cost Direct Manpower Indirect Manpower , Equipments used and Material.

The Direct manpower should be based on productivity which will give you the duration which will be based on how many people you can load to do that work. So if the Client is convinced he would approve the V.O/C.O.




Md Manjar Nadeem
User offline. Last seen 2 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Feb 2013
Posts: 9

Thanks Mike,

For variation order client will pay additional quantity , Impact of this VO on original scope , we can claim extention of time claim (Indirects Cost) but Directs manpower cost will be remain un-claimed - How we will claim additional direct manhours loss??

Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 4418

Hi Md

Yes you can but it would be difficult to prove and calculate accurately.

Let me have more details and I will try to assist further.

Best regards

Mike Testro