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Loss of productivity due to impact of variation order on original scope

We claimed Variation Works from client , But Can we claim loss of productivity due to impact of variation order on original scope?? 


thanks jithin,I understand ,

thanks jithin,

I understand , if impact is clearly mention in Change management in contract clause then we can't claim. 

based on ambiguity in contract we can claim also depends on client :) 

Loss of Productivity

I dont think you can claim as you have already claimed Variation Order for the same work. Usually when you claim for VO you include all the cost and give the Client a notice of how it will impact the original Scope of work or original schedule. If it does impact you could have claimed loss of productivity.

In the ORginal Variation Order itseld there is a Column which asks "Does the VO Impacts the Schedule"

I think it depends on the Client to approve the new VO for loss of productivity now as they might ask why it was not told before/calculated before in the initial VO itself.

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