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Default duration unit

2 replies [Last post]
Alexandre Faulx-B...
User offline. Last seen 2 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 20 Jan 2003
Posts: 1355

Hello, Powerproject fanatics

Maybe the answer to my question is so obvious, however I was not able to find it

I want to enter the task duration in days; therfore I key in "5" for a task whose duration in "5 working days"

When I enter the duration of tasks in the spreadsheet, Powerproject always converts these 5 "days" into 5 "weeks", and displayes the value "25d" in the duration column.

Having looked everywhere in the dlalog boxes and the Online help, I cannot find my way.

Who will help me?

Thank you,



Ben Taunt
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Hi Alexandre,

On the View ribbon, you can change the default snapping unit in the drop down list:




I just tested it and it is this field that controls what happens when you just tap "5" into the duration field on the spreadsheet.


Ben @ Powerproject