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What can Asta Powerproject can do in reality?

4 replies [Last post]
Mike planner
User offline. Last seen 2 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Asta Users/Planner,


I work in a building company. I been thinking in this few days, how can i use power project that bring benefit to my company? the benefit/productive that i mean is increase my company profit, management time and reduce the risk in the projects the normal things that i know about the powerproject are:

1. normal programme to show the crtical task & progress

2. link the procurements to the task

3. baseline to apply extension of time

4. show the planned progress versus current progress in s-curve (i dont think this is production for my company, it only shows the colourful graph to the client and consultants in the meeting, not that many contractors want to show the delay in client meeting in fact!)

5. cost and resources, tender baseline cost versus current (this shows the the different), no comment but i think this is useful but still not that essential to a company i think? just some beautiful graph)


can i know what are the real real programme can do? sometime, i think i just waste the company monies hiring me to do the programme? what are planner do normally? someone tell me please, i know this sounds a bit stupid.





Anthony Mocke
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Nicely said there Mike Testo....


It is not only doing graphs etc but placing everyone at ease that a specific or all projects are running within time & to budget. It really starts off at tender stage when you produce the tender programme that you get the feelof the job & input resources etc so your whole Operations Team can follow your sequence of the works & monitor the whole project from it.




Mike planner
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you're right Evaristus. Cheers

Evaristus Ujam
User offline. Last seen 12 years 9 weeks ago. Offline

Hi Mike,

You will be saving time for your company and thereby increasing your company's productive hours if you employ your skills in the use of Power project to optimize the resources employed and to effectively predict the time element in the completion of your project and then stay on top of your plan to ensure project is delivered as and when due. This to me is the reason for your employment. Think of what will happen, if your project is to run pepertually without delivery. Will your company still be in business? Gbaran Ubie LNG project I am associated with in Nigeria is World Class, with Over 30miilion man hours delivered in 3years. If there were no planners tracking and monitoring every aspect of the job, how would quick decisions be taken,given a sitaution whereby every second counts in terms of millions of dollars that had been spent.

Mike Testro
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Hi Mike

Its not the choice of software - its your beleif in yourself that counts - together with your planning skills.

You seem to have all the basic skills to plan projects but no passion to control it.

It is not just pretty pictures that the software produces - its a graph of the pulse and hearbeat of the project.

So get real - get with it and get in control.

Best regards


Mike Testro