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Help needed - Student needing you views on Asta !!

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Phil Doig
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Hi All,

I have to present a review of Asta Powerproject in the near future, so any help you can give would really appreciated. I've only used MSP in the past so I'm relatively new to APP.

What I need to know is the key advantages and disadvantages of using APP compared to MSP 2003. I have focused it down to three key areas.. scheduling, resourcing and budgeting. 

The more advanced features you can suggest the better as the module is called 'advanced planning and tracking' !!!

Any suggestions of what to look into would be great.




Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 11 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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Hi Phil

Welcome to Planning Planet.

In my opinion MSP is a second grade piece of software with few redeeming features - PowerProject is far superior in every respect.

The first thing I would suggest is that you visit the website where there is a comparison chart of all features of PP against other software types.

Other features that set PowerProject apart include:

1.  Curved vertical links

2.  Soft logic that can be toggled on and off

3.  Showing critical path on sub sections as well as the whole project without the use of restraints.

4.  Save multiple views of different aspects of project control and switch seamlessly between them.

5.  Open any number of projects or sub projects and toggle between them on top tabs.

etc etc

Add to this the stunning graphic output and print options.

Good luck with your presentation.

Best regards

Mike Testro