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student needing help

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chris jamieson
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hi guys, im dong an assignment on asta as part of my degree but im having a bit off trouble working out the best way to do this

the project is a 3 storey steel frame building and i have to create a program with a max of 140 tasks. my problem is the fact that it has to be a 3 stage build due to site restraints and i have no clue how to set it out to stay in the 140 task limit when my lecturer wants a floor by floor breakdown

has anyone got some advise or example that may help me???


Mike Testro
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Hi Chris

You have made it clearer in one sense but much denser in others.

How can you start stage 1 steel work BEFORE stage 2 Piling.

You cannot do a detailed programme for this type of structure in less than 800 tasks - maybe 1600 depending on the number of grid zones.

For the piling alone you will need the following for each grid - after you have reduced level and laid the pile mat.

1. drill and pour piles

2. Excavate pile cap

3. Break back pile head

4. Bilnd base

5. Rebar Base

6. Form Base

7. Pour Base

8. Strike forms

9. Backfill

Then you start on the the slab / ground beams and the lift shaft and the undergound services and drainage.

You will have 100 tasks before you even get out of the ground.

If this is a genuine assignment - and not a trick to see if you know what you are doing - then you can inform your lecturer that Mike Testro says he does not know what he is doing - you have my permission to show him this thread.

One more thing in a sports hall you will probably have a sprung timber floor - this has to be stored in place with ambient heat and moisture conditions for up to 20 calendar days before it is laid.

So make sure the "curing" task is set to a 24/7 calendar.

Best regards

Mike Testro

chris jamieson
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sorry i didnt make it clearer. i have to print the plan off with no more than 140 lines of data including subtasks

1 it would be CFA piled foundations

2 its a multiuse sports building with pool, gym, sportshalls ets

3 have to include 1st and 2nd fix

4 footprint is the same but the sportshalls are open through all 3 floors and the pool travels through 2 floors

5 yes to lifts

and by a 3 stage build i mean the building is spit into 3 seperate stages with the steelwork being erected in stage 1 while piling starts in stage 2, and stage 3 will only start when stage 1 and 2 are erected with the floors cast


i also belive he wants it broke down like

install formwork, place cage, pour concrete, remove formwork...

hope this has made it clearer




Mike Testro
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Hi Chris

Does the term Tasks include Summary Tasks - if so you can have 140 summary tasks at level 3 and ten times that as sub tasks.

What does "3 stage build" mean?

Other factors are:

1. What type of foundation are you using?

2.  What type of building is it?

3.  What level of fit out - finishings?

4.  Is the building footprint the same on each level?

5.  What type of M&E is involved?

6.  Any Lifts? 

In any case I would suggest you use Bottom Up Planning method - search my earlier threads in PP.

And don't forget the fire proofing - or the underslab drainage.

I would also suggest that your lecturer has the planning academy suite of tutorials for Asta PowerProject in his library.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 14 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 4420

Hi Chris

Does the term Tasks include Summary Tasks - if so you can have 140 summary tasks at level 3 and ten times that as sub tasks.

What does "3 stage build" mean?

Other factors are:

1. What type of foundation are you using?

2.  What type of building is it?

3.  What level of fit out - finishings?

4.  Is the building footprint the same on each level?

5.  What type of M&E is involved?

6.  Any Lifts? 

In any case I would suggest you use Bottom Up Planning method - search my earlier threads in PP.

And don't forget the fire proofing - or the underslab drainage.

I would also suggest that your lecturer has the planning academy suite of tutorials for Asta PowerProject in his library.

Best regards

Mike Testro