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Codes next to bars

3 replies [Last post]
Craig Adams
User offline. Last seen 13 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 11 Oct 2006
Posts: 71

Anyone know if there is a way to put code text next the to the bars.

Want to show gant chart with responsible division next to tasks.

Know I can colour the bars and put a legend at the bottom but have problem of colour blind recipiants not being able to understand what they’re looking at.

Kind regards,

Craig Adams


Andrew Willard
User offline. Last seen 12 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Dec 2009
Posts: 35
Hi Craig,

Once you have created the annotation, right click on it and select properties. In the bottom left hand corner of the box that comes Make Auto Annotation. That puts it on every task. You can get cuter by setting the auto to respect a filter if you want such as only tasks or tasks with a certain code etc

Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 14 hours 40 min ago. Offline
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Hi Craig

Goto Insert > Annotation > drag the annotation to the end of the task and lock it on.

Don’t type anything but tap F9 and from the drop down menu select Codes - select the code library that you are using and select the Live option.

Click OK and then cliick anywhere on the chart and the name of the code will appear in the box.

It has to be done for each task - I have not found a way to add to groups of selected tasks.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Bo Johnsen
User offline. Last seen 8 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 28 Feb 2006
Posts: 119
Hi Craig,

The only other option I can see you have is to use the "Task Name" column as your "responsible division" entry and then choose that under "Task Data Display".

"Task Name" is the only text field you have under "Task Data Display", all remaining being numbers/ID’s. Of course you then loose other functionalities by utilizing "Task Name" for this, but you still have "Bar Name" as description for the task/activity.

It is possible to apply any information to the bar (left, right, middle, top, bottom), incl. user fields, in many planning software packages, so strange it isn’t in Powerproject (or maybe it is, but we’re just not able to locate the functionally?)

