I have a project which has 2 calendars, 1 for a 5 day work week and 1 for a 7 day work week. By default, the tasks work to the 5 day work week one, but a couple of tasks have the 7 day work week calendar applied.
In Format, Bar Chart I have formatted the chart so the non-working time, the weekend, is shown in green on the chart and bars, so when going over the non-working time, the bar goes behind the weekend. However, this is confusing for tasks which have the 7 day calendar applied to them, as it appears they are not being worked on over the weekend. Using the Non-working display on tasks setting, the bars using the 7 day calendar go over the non-working display to illustrate weekend working. However, the tasks using the 5 day calendar now also go over the non-working display but now have a kink in them, which is better but not ideal.
Is there anyway to set the display for tasks so, depending on which calendar they use, they either go over or behind the non-working display?
Many thanks