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Primavera P3. Primavera P6

Planning and Project Control Chief Engineer, Snamprojetti and Persian Gulf Oil Company Consortium, Persian Gulf Oil Refinery

START Date: 
February, 2008
END Date: 
November, 2011


  • Scope definition of project in a EPC contract as a master scheduler
  • Consult with PM to bring fall behind project back on track
  • CPM scheduling, resource leveling, EV, SP, CP, TCPI, VAC and ETC calculation
  • Development of project planning and monitoring procedures and systems
  • Involve in project management office process and coordination
  • Project prediction based on analyze schedule progress and performance
  • Engineering and Construction coordinator
  • Associate with change order evaluations team and analyze r

Site Planning and Project Control Engineer, Foster Wheeler, GS, OIEC COnsortium, South Pars Gas Field, Phases 9 & 10

START Date: 
April, 2004
END Date: 
January, 2008
  • Site scheduler and project controller
  • Work with construction crew in order to prepare work front and look ahead plan
  • Assist with scheduling team to estimate and calculate activities duration and physical progress
  • Accomplishment as a qualified planner to reduce disordering between sub-contractors
  • Assist with PMO in fast tracking plans, catch up plans  preparation
  • Data gathering from construction team to prepare project progress reports
  • Update and Progress data bank to monitor the EPC versus baseline through S-curves

Project Planner, BLACK & VEATCH International, Waste and clean water Treatment

START Date: 
June, 2007
END Date: 
December, 2008
  1. Refurbishments[Design, Supply, Installation, Construction, commissioning and testing]  Lane End WTW [3 million Pound starlings]

            Clients:Thames Water

  1. Refurbishments[Design, Supply, Installation, Construction, commissioning and testing]  

     Ashford STC [12 Million Pound starlings]

     Clients: 4 D

  1. pH Correction

Project Planner, BLACK & VEATCH International, 1.Refurbishments[Design, Supply, Installation, Construction, commissioning and testing] Lane End WTW [3 million Pound starlings],2.Refurbishments[Design, Supply, Installation, Construction, commissioning and

START Date: 
June, 2007
END Date: 
December, 2008

Responsibilities discharged   

  • Develop the Schedule, Set up the base line
  • Resource loading, Target setup
  • Coordinate with project team
  • Attain the meeting and follow the guideline and Collect the data from project
  • Monitoring the Sub contractor works and update the Schedule accordingly
  • Update the schedule and analysis the Current float and critical path.
  • Advice the project manager for critical activities and concern cause.
  • Produce Monthly Project Fina

Senior Planning Engineer, Nagarjuna Oil Corporation Limited, Cuddalore Refinery Project

START Date: 
January, 2006
  • Project monitoring and Coordination with EPCM, PMC (CB&I lummus), EPC and Construction contractors.
  •  Preparing of overall project schedule using primavera 6

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